1. This is the funniest thing I've seen in ages. Well heeled Biking Bolshevism demonstrating a simply extraordinary amount of sanctimonious clap trap. Utter and complete garbage from start to finish. Hilarious.

    2. What time of day was this filmed? Not during rush hour, that's for sure, because then the Southbank is packed with pedestrians. This video is misleading and manipulative. If you want to be able to cycle safely, campaign against the cars on the road where you belong, not against pedestrians. What are they suppoased to do? Jump in the river and swim to work?

    3. @RudyDutschke The whole video was shot during rush hour, between 7.30am and 9am on a weekday morning. You can see from the lack of light around the one-minute mark that it's very early in the morning

      No-one's asking anyone to swim to work, merely to carry on sharing a space that's been used by cyclists and walkers for decades.

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