Holland can be a dangerous place. Especially when you’re walking on a bike path and Dutch people are biking there. Here’s a survival guide to bike lanes, bike paths, bikes & Dutch bikers, especially in Amsterdam! || Made by Tom Roes, Neil Robinson & Jesse Cohen.

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  1. EASY

    Same procedure when wondering if crossing a busy street is a good idea while the traffic light is red.
    1. Look around;
    2. Everybody else crossing even when it's read?
    3. Sure, stay with the herd.

    Stay With The Herd

    If something terrible happens, at least you're surrounded by other pedestrians who will die first.

  2. For all those complaining foreigners: Watch the videos of Just Not Bikes! You'll see The Netherlands to be the best country for bicycles, but also a good country for car drivers … We just combined the best of both. And yes, as a pedestrian you are responsible to look out when you cross a bike-lane, the same as when you cross a car-lane! I mean, look around and you'll see elderly people on bikes, on busy bike-lanes and they manage perfectly. If they can do so, so can you! Even if you "colide" with another cyclist, you're probably both shocked but you continue your way … Try that running into a car. O and take a look at this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqQSwQLDIK8&list=TLPQMzAwMTIwMjJ2LLbGbupI_Q&index=40

  3. To be fair, yes the tourist suck, specially ppl from the USA and for some reason spanish speaking people and the Brits that are always wasted. But I am 100% dutch and ppl from Amsterdam are total cunts. I can cross the street in a decent way and Amsterdammers will speed up, so they have to break, and can be right.

  4. Reminds me of the hudson river greenway in the downtown area of New York but without the fencing and a road to seperate us from the pedestrian walkway.

  5. Fucking worst city ever. Just a bunch of potheads who are dangerous and shouldn’t be allowed to do anything let alone ride bikes. No one come here

  6. You know, me reading this comments while having plans of moving to Amsterdam
    You terrified me, thanks 😂

  7. Please stop what ur doing, ur pissing dutch people off, do u know how it feels if someone keeps acting like the dutch is a country where murder is legal?

  8. You can see the distnction of the pedestrian street and the bike lane. I dont get this video. Stepping into the bikes way is dangerous for them as well as you 🤦

  9. 0:16.. nice refference to guns though…
    but we don't kill people with bikes….!!!! you might break a legg get over it.
    oh and AMSTERDAM IS NOT THE NETHERLANDS.! it's just a tourist city ffs 1:34 okey you said that right.! (sorry)

  10. And please don't try to stand still or wait for a cyclist to stop for you on the pedestrian crossings!!!!!! This is so annoying. A dutch cyclist will never stop for crossing pedestrians and it is an unwritten rule that you move witout hesitation so the cyclist can pass behind you without losing momentum. I once had an encounter with a tourist and steered right at this crossing pedestrian, in order to pass behind her, but she got startled and stopped walking, forcing me to brake. In that situation a Dutchman is left with only two options: Stop completely and yell "Domme kuthoer!" or braking just slightly and then passing in front basically violating the traffic laws. I chose the latter.

  11. Dutch government needs to start requiring all incoming buses, trains, and planes to make the announcement "Please do not walk on red areas, these are bike paths, and they will kill you, and we will laugh at you for being enough of an idiot to die this way." Or something like that.
    Here in Breda, you can replace the "same colored bikes" with "the bromfiets/electric scooters".

  12. Reason #1 why tourists on bikes are dangerous in Amsterdam is that they are not confident enough to drive a bicycle. They don't know what to do and are overwhelmed most of the time so they make stupid decisions. Same goes for tourist pedestrians. They don't know where to go and almost unconsciously step into the bike path. It is not that they are stupid but they are simply overloaded by the hectic life in Amsterdam.

  13. But seriously guys, I'm Dutch and even I'm not stepping on a bike in Amsterdam!

    It's like skiën off the black slope on your first ski trip!

  14. As a full time professional Dutchie, foreigners, please take note of this advice. If you dont ride a bike in your own country, or very rarely, or are simply not good at it, grab a taxi. Do. Not. Ride. A. Bike. Also, if an Amsterdammer says kanker, thats just their normal way of saying hello. That’s sarcasm for all US people here.

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