I’ve been traveling by bike for 15 years and it’s without a doubt, my favorite way to see the world. This video is aimed at helping you learn a few extra tricks for your next bicycle tour. I cover everything from budget, to safety, to food, and even how to poop on the road.

    Help support my channel
    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/RyanVanDuzer
    Paypal Tip Jar: http://bit.ly/RyanVanDuzer

    My Gear List Video for Touring: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPlL6uyhmYE
    Gear list for Bikepacking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hnrTt-KE0rw&t=1002s

    Links to previous bicycle adventures
    The Great Divide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ5LfBJGDFs&list=PLQntYl1jtMXsK2E-VP1CloTU_YPkGhxtu

    Durango to Moab off road https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQntYl1jtMXuHjJUBCbaeoYf3PdgwmeyB

    Cycling Cuba https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQntYl1jtMXsrxcEruPpa_2MEp8NlqbLT

    Boulder to RAGBRAI https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQntYl1jtMXv1xjjHhG_FDA9_dDXzS1M4

    The Baja Divide https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQntYl1jtMXslkvXtZVcI4WdPzwLM3euf

    Boulder to Burningman https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQntYl1jtMXsJrO9dfZ2QfybKk4HxYV3c

    How I film my adventures: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyMghJJT_bQ

    Links to Sites with Touring Routes





    **Welcome to DuzerTV** This channel is dedicated to inspiring viewers to get off their couches and explore this beautiful world (or even your backyard). You’ll find videos about biking, running, trekking, traveling, do goodery, and anything that involves being outside and enjoying life. Join TeamDuzer and let’s have some fun!

    #RyanVanDuzer #TeamDuzer

    Contact: crazyduzer@gmail.com

    Camera Gear:
    Sony A6500
    Sony 18-105 lens
    Sony Action Cam FDR-X-3000
    DJI Mavic Air

    All the rad music for this video is from Musicbed.com
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    *I do get some compensation if you choose to sign up, yippee!


    1. Was that guy with the "Xtra lite" Schwinn in Nevada, I know him from out here, but he's from California originally, small world, he has 1 of the coolest/funniest tattoos I've ever seen, he has his feet tattooed with Converse gym shoes with shoe laces & all!!! 😂

    2. bicycle touring is the cheapest traveling method, yeah. But! it's costs really depend on how you do it.

      Start credit card touring, all you need is a bike and clothes. Minimum 200€ for used bike, rain gear, bike pump+tools, and optional cycling clothes. so 200€ + anywhere from 20 to 50 a day. Less if you're on a pilgrimage tour where you often find cheap meals and accomodation (great way to start btw! Do the Saint James way this summer, I dare you!)

      Invest in camping gear, minimum 200€ for a cheap setup that will break down, or 400/600€ for a good long term setup, and you'll save TONS on accomodation.

      Invest in a proper cookset like a Trangia and acessories + 80/200€ but you'll save a lot on eating. I can eat a feast each day for 5€. You might want a omnifuel for world touring, but that will be an extra 250€.

      If you're going to carry this much, you'll need to switch from a backpack to trailer/panniers, expect anything from 90€ up to 600€, being the cheapest option a basic 30€ rack and 60€ rear pannier set, followed by a bikepacking setup. Those cheap 100€ trailers are not worth it, they will only handle city ridding or tarmac, and you will be stresse all the time because of the cars.

      Use your phone, or buy a cycling computer/GPS which can be anywhere from 80€ (old used) to thousands for the most recent one out there.

    3. WOW!!! You have been such an inspiration to me, I never knew this type of adventure was out there, am looking for an entry level bike for bike packing, will most likely only do day trips but want a bike that will handle mostly gravel trail riding that can accommodate racks and bags, I’m 68 retired and as much as I would love a high end bike like you ride..it will never happen…I don’t want a Walmart bike as I only buy from local bike shops. I have an older full suspension mountain bike but cannot put a rear rack on it and the seat mounted racks are too high and can’t get my leg over it.
      Thanks for all you’re doing!!!

    4. I have to agree to put your bike in a box for travel Sucks!!! The whole day of boxing and then unboxing is definitely NOT FUN…

    5. I wish I was not dirt poor living in my car. I dream of affording a mountain bike to bike across the country. But it sounds amazing to do.

    6. Absolutely, the first few days will "break" your body in for the trip. Rail trails are great, no traffic. Fit is very important, too small of a bike- no good, you want to be efficient on your ride. I am a slow rider, I get passed all the time and I don't care. It's like hiking the AT, hike your hike and bike your bike. I took my Trek on my first bike packing tour. I had a day pack and bungee corded my tent to my handlebars. Worked great. I've also used a backpack on another trip. I'm too cheap to buy panniers, I might need to make some, nay, I have stock in a bungee cord manufacturer. I love Dollar General, I wish they would have a cycling partner program for long distance travellers. I've never used warmshowers website before but I will in the future. Camping in a camp ground is not camping, I hate it. I like the quiet. I didn't carry a sleeping mat with me, I slept in the debris underneath trees. It is thick and soft and after sixty miles I could sleep anywhere. Water is very important, I got so dehydrated, I'll work on being better hydrated on my next trip. I bungeed (is that a word) a gallon jug on my bike, It doesn't work too well. I didn't poop on any of my trips. Lonely, heck no, I whistled for miles. Great time. The rumble strips on the edge of the highway suck a lot. I would suggest a front shock. It was a great time. When I retire, I'm just going to ride around the world. I might go before retiring. Very helpful. Like Ryan said, "Just go ride your bike."

    7. Hi I’ve been watching you for a longtime . Your videos are great. I live in Orlando Florida, and iam from Massachusetts and would like to try and ride my bike back home. I ride my bike often. And I was wondering if you had any tips on cost etc. I know you talked about it a few times in some of your videos. Thank you and keep on riding 😊

    8. Excellent video & tips. Among the top tips for me is going to a bike shop for a spare packing box. This gives me several options including shipping to a destination. Thumbs Up. Thanks for posting.

    9. Ryan, your video is absolutely amazing, inspiring, and so much more!!! I have been inspired to jump back on my bike. I have ordered some seats to try out, in order to make sure that I have the right seat for me. If one of your tours happens to take you through the Indianapolis, Indiana area, please know that you can stop at our home for an evening if you wish. You are welcome here! Thank you for all that you do for so many people!

    10. That's the way to get people moving and grooving. I am 73. This past November 2022 I finished a bicycling tour of 1,400 MI.

    11. I'm not going on a tour (this time) but I am going on a 190 mile biking trip in a few days and this video has definitely pumped me up even more! Awesome video, thank you.

    12. you're a natural born motivator, Ryan.
      your video got me excited even though I'm already a long distance cyclist.
      keep it up!
      ciao from Venice, Italy.

    13. I used to bicycle tour when I was young, now I’m 68. I was thinking about going on a tour on the Kettle Valley Rail. This is an old rail line that has been converted into a bicycle path.

    14. New bike day for me today; I got a Trek District 4 for the belt drive and Alfine. I've been on an ebike for three years, so this is the first step toward long-distance trips without the restrictions of a battery!

    15. Helpful and inspiring. I will start out small. 58 yr old woman expecting a grand baby. But it’s not too late. Small trips and baby steps. Love all of your valuable information. Thank you!

    16. Great video! Been riding all my life and at 60 just did my first bike tour and it was fantastic. Unfortunately we had to cut the ride short due to my riding partner not following your advice (7:25). Saddle sores got so bad for him after 4 days he had to tap out. I may finish the route solo later this year.

    17. I went on a small folding bike with my 7 year old on it and all our gear for camping. 😂 it was an adventure to say the least. After it i swore off bike packing but here i am watching this, getting back into the idea 😮😅

    18. 30 to 50 dollars a day sound like a lot. I spend 30 quid a week at home on food and drink don't pay rent or bills lol. I get the feeling your used to spending more freely than me, I'm a cheap ass. 😂 I won't buy a drink on a boiling hot day out and about because I'd rather cook than spend a quid. haha I'd be drinking filtered puddle water

    19. Boy, did you do a good job of spreading the bike touring gospel! I used to hike, never liked to bike, and now planning a kickbike tour. I think I'm gonna be just fine. Thanks buddy!

    20. Awesome video, Im 57 next month and bought a bike today and am totally inspired! 👍 I live in Australia and will start slow, one day in a perfect world I'll get good, meet some like minded riders in Delhi and see Rajasthan. 🚵📷
      Well done, thank you ✌️

    21. Great video, thank you, I have the red panniers on a Dawes touring bike it’s my favourite set up. I had the inline bags but found this to be restrictive in what you can take. I agree bike touring should not be rushed take your time to look around and explore it’s supposed to be fun. 🎉

    22. Such a well prepared, presented and inspiring video.. I'm all fired up and ready to take a small field trip.. nothing grand coz I'm on the wrong side of 50.. but your pep talks' doing its thing.. take care and keep posting

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