The Russian defence ministry has released new videos of ground and air assault on Ukrainian troops at the frontline. While street fighting rages on in Bakhmut, Russian soldiers can be seen riding bikes and engaging Ukrainian troops in close combat. The video shows Russian Army destroying Ukrainian infantry units. In another video, a pair of Su-25 fighters launch missile attacks on the frontline in pairs. Watch this video for more details.

    #russiaukrainewar #bakhmut #frontline #ukrainerussiaconflict #vladimirputin #volodymyrzelenskyy #moscow #kyiv #donetsk #donbas #eastukraine #russianarmy #ukrainearmy #grenadelauncher #palmya #su25 #fighterjet #missileattack

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    1. You rusbots💥💥 Ukraine will win!!! Even if they have to sacrifice the whole Ukrainian population to win the war!!!!!

    2. If the people who carried the investigations are failing to be specific naming the group that carried the sabotage then, they are the ones that did it.

    3. So here's my take. Russian airborne troops just firing off rounds at a safe distance. And not really targeting anything. Grenade launcher is close to 45 degree angle. That's max range. And if it's comparable to NATO version. That's about 2,000 meters. The tree line is 100-200 meters away. They have no idea where those rounds are going. We would call that spray and pray you hit something. Ukraine videos show targets getting hit. Big difference.

    4. The reason why Russia is is doing so well in the war is because I suggested to Putin that he should try Blitzkrieg lightning War it was developed by the Nazis in World War Two and was very effective

    5. Thats alot of footage of shooting, but not one bit of footage of Ukrainian forces being hit😂. Yet, I can find hoards of drone footage of russian forces getting slaughtered on youtube. Are those russians even hitting anything? Is this even in Ukraine or is this just some weapons testing footage?lol

    6. Thank you HT for a balanced news. All other media, print or otherwise, are all carrying a biased news more tilted towards what the West wants the World to hear.

    7. So we're trying to paint Russia's lack of remaining military equipment and troops forced to use civilian vehicles as a good thing? Russian propaganda gets ever more hilarious 😂🤣

    8. This Indian news always posting the sides of Russians winning. While a hour ago, i saw Ukrainians drones dropping bombs on russian soldiers and blew the up into pieces. Watch the The Sun youtube news channel. Indians news channel so bias…

    9. They don’t even know who they’re shooting that they could be shooting children right now. These guys are crazy you’re crazy to want to join any wars

    10. In 386 days of war in Ukraine, Russian Army has already lost more than 162560 soldiers. That's 1062% more casualties than in two Chechen wars, which lasted 4 years. And 981% more than the Soviet army lost during the 9 years of the war in Afghanistan. Russia has lost more than 12,000 combat machinery in its war in Ukraine, more than half of its operational tank fleet, close to 1000 jets and helicopters. One more year of war will bring Russia to her knees.

    11. Where are the eco nutters, I thought they would be there protesting about all the damage this war is doing to the planet, all they need to do is get in the middle and start screaming and crying holding their placards. I would pay good money to watch this.

    12. Excellent innovation tactics drone and quad. They should get electric quads very quiet. Wont hear you coming providing there isn’t an enemy drone up.

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