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    1. Bloody hell mate – your poxy sneeze made ME sneeze… some stupid bloody psycho-somatic sympatho-sneezogenics.

      I have a good mind to call my legal advisors and see if we can't come up with some way to have you compelled to come and clean all this snot off my screen.
      And maybe while I've got you there, I might have my man come sneaking up very silently behind you so he can ask you; "have you actually ever RIDDEN a bike, mate!?" at which precise point some piano will come tinkling from the other room, an incredulous flourish, Liberace style.
      And that sound will be me, and that small bit of music is actually the comment to this video.

      You should check out the mechanical doping in swimming and running.
      Coz THAT sounds like a joke.
      Except, banned swimsuits, controversial Nike shoes…

    2. That was so evident just like all thoso photos of ghosts, ufo or Loch Ness monster, always not sharp enough to see anything.

    3. This fool is a cooked meth using junkie. And wear a fuckin mask or don't make videos till your better and not sneezing coughing up corona it's just very distasteful and unsightly.

    4. not sure if this is a satire to ridicul the claims that riders use electrical engines in their bike or if hes being serious. Because if he was being serious it would make me laugh even harder.

    5. Jesus lad you need to see someone. Look your a good rider/ reckon your doped to the fucking eyeballs though but fuck me. Do you not think that all bikes have been inspected at a grand tour or do they hop off them before the start and switch em out with bo one seeing. Epo and other shit in the peliton fair enough I agree but PEDDELING this shit now???? I'm sorry your not good enough to hang with the the top lads I am. Just eat a fucking carrot or something though and see someone. Your a melt

    6. I am shocked.
      Shocked and stunned.
      This may be the biggest scandal since that other one.
      I forgot to say outraged.
      I am shocked, stunned and outraged.
      I am now drawing up a.list of all the riders I dislike. There is every chance that some or all of them probably use these infernal devices.
      I feel sure of it.
      And that is all the proof I need.
      Shocked…. Stunned…. Etc.

    7. No disc brakes, no disc brakes, no disc brakes no disc brakes, no disc brakes, no disc brakes… I don't think he had disc brakes!

    8. You are truly out of your mind brother lol…. one of those clips was clearly being shown in reverse, and another showed the guy racing downhill, not uphill lol…. are you just trolling us lol? If so, good job, you got me haha…. if not, I suggest you get your head examined :))

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