1. Just found your channel as planning to cycle the eurovelo8. Love watching it so far. Wondered why you decided to go up the mountains in this episode instead if sticking to the coast? Because of the driving, or just wanted serenity (and struggle)?

    2. Generally, if a solitary dog is wagging its tail and not snarling you will be ok. If you think you cannot pass safely just give it some time and sit quietly without staring at it, even only looking at it sideways. Keep your mouth closed so your teeth aren't showing. If you walk past it just keep the bike between you and the dog. Better to slowly walk past than bike as it is their behaviour to chase things that run away. Pretend to pick up stones and they may run away but in a pack this may provoke them. Sometimes you can call their bluff. They are territorial and just want to guard their patch. If you are attacked by dogs you must stay on your feet and try to get a solid stick or metal rod. Don't be afraid to beat them very hard, and never kick them as they are faster than Mike Tyson and can rip your flesh and puncture your bones with four bites in one second.

    3. Just one language tip? It's not driving on a bike, but riding or cycling in English.🤔I would like to add that I can't speak Deutsch or German! So well done!😊😊😊😊😊😊 I love your programmes! But why no new programmes?😢

    4. I can offer you a well used (over 40 years of bike travel) and very effective anti attacking dog defence. Get an empty 1 litre soft squeeze type plastic wash up detergent bottle, the type with the pull up nozzle cap. First try half filling it with water and the other half with cheap vinegar (for really big dogs mix it stronger). For quick access get a water bottle holder (can be fitted as a pair) that straps vertical to your bikes head stock. If a dog presses a close in attack give it a squirt in the eyes with the water vinegar mix, it'll quickly change it's mind about pressing the attack when the water/vinegar mix starts to sting it's eyes as well as going up its nose. This mix won't damage the dogs eyes as the stinging soon wears off, but in that time you'll be gone. I enjoy your videos, keep up the good work. May you be always be followed by a tailwind.👍👍💯

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