Some clips of a 2 day and 200km bicycle ride between Peniche and Lisbon along the west windy coastline.

    Route :

    Baleal 00:10
    Peniche 01:26
    Consolação 03:59
    Paimogo 05:10
    Praia da Areia Branca 05:44
    Atalaia 06:07
    Porto Novo 06:20
    Santa Cruz 07:16
    Ericeira 08:48
    Foz do Lisandro 10:04
    Praia de São Julião 10:30
    Assafora 11:05
    Praia do Magoito 11:48
    Azenhas do Mar 12:34
    Praia Grande 13:12
    Sintra-Cascais Natural Park 14:32
    Cabo da Roca 14:44
    Praia do Guincho 15:25
    Cascais 15:56
    Estoril 18:45
    Oeiras 19:18
    Algés 19:36
    Lisbon 19:41

    instagram : onecyclistinlisbon
    strava : one cyclist in lisbon
    André’s Strava : André Duarte

    Recorded on the 8 and 9th of August of 2020

    Image credits :
    biblios :

    Mafra e Ericeira | 5 de Outubro de 1910


    1. As always you have shared such a positive adventure of your region with informative and yet soothing flair – ride on sir and thanks for a really cool channel

    2. Saudades Miguel, saudades. E sempre bom ver os teus videos com as lindas partes de Portugal. Toma conta de ti, nao so em cima da bicicleta! Espero poder passar Portugal em bicicleta logo que deia, talvez te encontro la tambem. Abraco da Franca 🙂

    3. Um dia tens de ir fazer um vlog na avenida da liberdade e mostrar nos as lojas e os carros de luxo, aposto que ficava um vídeo mesmo fixe! Continua o trabalho!

    4. Estou a ver isto num dia super nublado. O tempo tem estado "mauzinho" durante quase todo este segundo confinamento. Ver estas cores de verão no céu e no mar é um consolo 😌. Obg!

    5. Miguel, só o facto de teres usado a ciclovia do Guincho em vez de ires pelo meio da estrada a atrapalhar o trânsito como a grande maioria dos que se querem fazer passar por ciclistas fazem hoje em dia (só porque podem)… mereces todo o meu respeito (já o tinhas, mas agora ainda mais).

    6. Hey! I love your channel and have been watching for a while. I can’t recall if you ever described what your recording setup is like.
      Do you use a small go pro camera strapped to your chest? What type of harness do you find to be the least restrictive?
      I’m very inspired by your videos and am think about making my own!
      Keep up the great work!! This video is one of your bests and was worth all the effort!

    7. Ocean view, people on the beaches in february….heck of a place to live brother 😁 here right now we have 0°C and its march……

    8. Rapaz, ver teus vídeos me dão uma vontade imensa de andar de bike, tinha parado de andar por um tempo e voltei por sua causa! :^)

    9. Cascais will be where I retire…once I win the California Lottery of course.  🙂  In all seriousness, this is one of your most amazing videos.  Thank you!

    10. – On 1/40 are not rain ulcers.

      – Such holes are common all over the planet.

      – Fill in the in the search window the phrase "Колодцы, высверленные в граните Бугского Гарда" without translation and see in Ukraine. Also open the IMAGE function and see world examples …

      – This is either the previous civilizations perished, or the aliens did for their own needs.

      – Here it is short and interesting

      – I took your story about holes in my collection.

      – Thank you for the interesting content, your cycling experience !

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