Stranger on the beach told us where to find Lithuanian gold.


    Place a spot on the map, who knows we might actually drop by:

    Also known as Baltic gold, better known as Baltic amber. Before leaving the Neringa peninsula I couldn’t resist to ride the motorcycle on the beach and glad I did because a man started randomly talking to us and showed us where to find amber. After the gold rush we take the ferry to Klaipeda which used to be a German city known as Memel. The region along with Kaliningrad gave birth to Prussia and historically could be considered as one of the main drives leading up to both world wars in the previous century. We settle down around Palanga near the Latvian border where meet the strongest chess players in Lithuania. Motorcycle trip riding through Lietuva.

    Follow my journey on:

    #pedromota #hondamotorcycle #motovlogger


    1. Bem-vindo a Lituânia. Um país incrível. Se tiveres tempo, visita Rumšiškės. A aldeia mais tradicional da Lituânia. Fica próximo da cidade Kaunas. Local incrível de visitar.

    2. Litwo, Ojczyzno moja! ty jesteś jak zdrowie;

      Ile cię trzeba cenić, ten tylko się dowie,

      Kto cię stracił. Dziś piękność twą w całej ozdobie

      Widzę i opisuję, bo tęsknię po tobie.

      Pozdrawiam, Adam (nie Mickiewicz).

      PS Riga is like Gdańsk. Go and you will see.

    3. Cool i was actually in Klaipeda right at the moment of turnover working on a cargo ship delivering grain from france which was put on a train to russia, russian soldiers everywhere on the docks fully armed and in the city lithuanians pulling over lenin statues crazy times… great to see your there.

    4. Nice Pedro. I would think there would be more people in the beach with the amber, pretty cool. I was watching on Youtube the mining of minerals in parts of Africa and Latin America, so dangerous sometimes. Good price on the lodging. Keep them coming man. When I free up I'm going to watch the Mago series again, TV is horrible, I ought to get Netflix or something. Cheers to you and Mariska from across the Pond.

    5. Hi Pedro I also follow a channel of a travelling (mainly on bycicle) Brazilian guy that recently (one year ago) decided to travel with a girl that he met. What I´m observing there is similar to what I anticipate might happen in your channel eventually. The young lady, who started with a "supporting actress" role is slowly but surely becoming the main actress…. 😉 Thanks for the great video , btw!

    6. zinai kiek tau gali kainuoti toks pasivazinejimas papludimiu lietuvoj uzdrausta tokie pasivazinejimai tgali tikgelbetojai ir zvejai kitiems draudziama……

    7. When I grow up, I’ll try to be more like you.
      Leaving for the Baltics tomorrow, and then I’ll go further south. Starting in western Norway.

    8. Somehow your video didn't show up in my notifications, even though I have the bell and subscribed too. Caution, be careful admitting to off booking. Your service can be dropped, it's in their service agreement.

    9. You was lucky man, riding in beatch in LT is forbiden and fine is huge, if dune ranger catch you they would f…k up for this:)

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