1. I enjoyed that. Two things , titles of where you were with a map of the tour would have been nice. Oh how tough saying goodbye to that lovely female cyclist. Well done fellow cycle tourist. JD.

    2. Truly amazing scenery. So pretty. You can feel the seasons changing day by day until you arrive in spain and then it feels like summer.

      Video is so well done, with almost no words and just facial expression, we got an insight into both your characters.

      Re: the trip – Is it possible to camp freely along the route you took or did you do it as a combination of camps and hotel stays? how long and how many kms per day? Wow, there are some great cycleways over there

    3. .I don't understand what kind of bike touring is that more than half was with train an Ferrari don't waste your time as a bike touring please and never talking about the place you're traveling just laughing and kinda stupid European music

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