Join me on my very first bikepacking trip to the Baltic Sea! This video is all about the first day on the road – I did around 100 km from Berlin to Neustrelitz. The weather was perfect and I had tailwind all the way. Hitting the road in the morning, all my belongings attached to the bike, the sun on my face, favorite soundtrack in my ears … and the knowledge that all I’m going to do today will be to pedal, eat, enjoy the landscape and sleep. Just wow!

    Have you watched the video of me picking up the 8bar bike at the showroom in Berlin yet? Watch it here:

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    Videos coming up soon 👇🏻

    🤩 My very first Bikepacking trip to the Baltic Sea | Part 2 – 3
    🤩 5 things I learned on my first bikepacking trip in Germany
    🤩 130 km: This is how my longest ride went down

    #bikepacking #ostsee #8bar


    1. Das macht Spaß. Ich erkenne viele deiner Strecken wieder, die ich in diesem Jahr zum ersten Mal gestern bin. Hatte auch meine erste Tour in diesem Jahr zur Ostsee. Da werden Erinnerungen wach. Freue mich auf die Fortsetzung.

    2. Well done Aline, great to see your adventures and I hope you grow the channel. It seems quite flat where you are, is that the case? Would love to go out riding through Germany and Poland 🙂. Where I live in England it's nothing but hills

    3. Sehr schönes Video, da kriegt man Lust eine Tour zu starten 😀
      Berlin-Ostsee war auch meine erste "lange" Tour. Ich war auch sehr aufgeregt. Nächstes Jahr wird es der Elbe-Radweg von Hamburg nach Dresden.
      In der Zwischenzeit hoffe ich auf weitere inspirierende Videos von dir 😉

    4. It's scary camping on your own as woman.I did it once in Netherlands lasted one night and got hotel the next day.Hard to find female friends to go bike touring with

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