Driver 8, Koliba Bikepark, Bratislava Slovakia. Je to parkova trat, skokova, s mnozstvom malych step-downov, dvojek a niekolkymi vacsimi skokmi. Velmi dobra trat na naucenie skakania a tociek. Ak podmienky dovolia, je mozne trat jazdit aj v zime. Lanovka taha cely rok od stvrtku do nedele a cez letne prazdniny kazdy den.

    Igor putera:

    Diver 8, Koliba Bikepark, Bratislava Slovakia. It.s a Park track, Jump line with a lot of smaller step downs, doubles, and a few bigger jumps. Good for learning to jump, and to turn. It is possible to ride it in winter, when the conditions are good. The lift operates all year-round, thursday to sunday, and every day during summer holiday.


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