A nice blast down one of the most iconic roads in the world.
    Commentary version: https://youtu.be/1ldCqkskd2E
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    #DescentDisciples​ #PrayForSpeed​ #safa


    1. We looked at the Furkapass in Sept 22. Our tandem was heavily loaded, we had only v-brakes for the rims (no drag brake) and the climb looked like Cardiac City. We punted by taking the tandem on the train under the Pass, then returning to ride the Postbus from Realp to Obergoms. From there we went down the Rhone to Marseilles. After this video, we don't regret cheating. Nice ride down although you were pushing it around a couple of the hairpins.

    2. Hey Safa, amazing video as always. Such a great place to ride. Thanks for sharing. May I ask how do you create those overlays for speed and power and stuff? Thanks

    3. My friend and I went down this descent during a cycling tour of Switzerland 40 years ago and I still remember it. Even going at about a quarter of your average speed I was hoping my brakes would hold. It was exhilarating though.

    4. Thought the bus bit was a bit stupid and unnecessary. The rest was amazing. Had it not been for being recorded would you have waited or still squeezed that gap?

    5. I'm planning on climbing up east on saturday, then doing this descent right away. shimano 105 rim brakes. not suicidal. can I make it well controlled?

    6. jamai je pourrai faire cela quand j était sur un vélo ma nature anxieuse prenait le dessus je pensai a tout ce qui est possible sur vélo qui va à vitesse la un boyau qu' éclate le cadre le freinage une voiture enfin tout . Mais j admire les coureurs cyclistes vraiment.

    7. I've seen a lot of your videos. It's obvious you can't live without danger and it works for you. But except from yourself, there are other people out there and you couldn't care less. You've crossed many lines before, ignoring not only your safety but other people's as well. In this video you went too far. Not only did you ignore both the bus and the car plus the safety of all passengers but you continued to ride without even apologising for your driving behaviour. You should not be allowed on a bike or on any public road, you're a really bad example for riders and I hope you get arrested soon for reckless driving.

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