Film Balkaravana 2020. BiH, Sjene istoka – dio je projekta ,,Od održive mobilnosti ka održivom miru” implementiranog od strane pet organizacija iz zemalja u regionu: Centar za životnu sredinu, Priroda i društvo (Bajkultura),, Ulice za bicikliste, te GO2

    Projekat je podržan od strane: Regional Youth Cooperation Office i Western Balkans Fund

    🎥 David Lemmerer

    The film Balkaravana 2020 BiH, Shadows of the East – is a part of the project “From sustainable mobility to sustainable peace” implemented by five organizations from countries in the region: Center for Environment, Priroda i društvo (Bajkultura),, Streets for cyclists, and GO2

    The project is supported by: Regional Youth Cooperation Office and Western Balkans Fund


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