In this video I will go deep into my hybrid Bikepacking / Bicycle Touring setup and why I think this is a fantastic “All Around” system that will suit a lot of peoples needs. It has taken many years to perfect and I hope that this will provide you a great place to start your own bike bag exploration or it can help you to dial in your current setup that bit better. Enjoy!

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    1. Hi Everybody! Bicycle bags are an important staple among adventure cyclists. I have broken down my “all around” bike packing system into, hopefully, easily digestible chunks. Let me know what you think and I am curious if you have suggestions to make this setup even better? Thanks for watching and have a great day, E&M

    2. Near the end of the video you mention going to the secondhand marketplaces first, which seems like a good idea for those on a budget. Which secondhand marketplaces would you recommend?

    3. Another great video, lots of useful advice as always. Personally I'm not convinced a bikepacking setup is best for me, as I'm usually touring in more populated areas, where security of my gear is important and I need easily removable bags only. However you guys are definitely more adventurous and going to remote areas, so that's not a problem. Great to see that you're on the road again, and am looking forward to your trip videos – looks like Morocco to me?

    4. Nice clean set up. Thanks for sharing your new triangle pack. I believe in using what works for the type of journey planned. Some of my gear goes back 50 years and been all over Canada and the States. A few years back I moved my handlebar bag off the handlebars and placed it to the top of the front rack, to lower the center of gravity and allow room for two water bottles mounted to the handlebars. I made a quick release system that allows me to face the handlebar bag forward or backward. and it carries the items I will need for the day. the removeable carry strap allows me to load it with food at a grocery/quickly on my way. I have replaced my bright orange duffle on top the back rack for two dry bags. they become my washing machine on a rest day. Everything carried in the panniers is in a color-coded stuff sack or a zippered cubes of different colors sizes and shapes. Everything has a home to make finding it simple.

    5. Ik ben al lange tijd op zoek naar goede ortlieb, 2e hands maar die zijn ook nogal duur en vaak weg voordat ik kan reageren. Ik weet ook niet of andere bekende merken geschikt zijn, bijvoorbeeld agu is veel goedkoper

    6. After watching the video a second time. I understand the advantage of centering the weight on the bike to improve stability. My concern with a triangle bag is how does it affect control of the bike in a powerful cross wind that can push the bike sideways into traffic or off the road. Strong cross winds are always a concern when biking as well as for semitrucks crossing the open prairie of Canada and the USA.

    7. I would also give some hints: 1. while buying the waterbottle handlebar puches – LOOK FOR THE ONES with holes at the bottom. Because on an accidental rain downpour water will stay there 2. I would suggest avoiding big duffle bags if you're not going for a long trip. I mean after few months on the road I just sent it back home (it came out that I don't need so much space and gear at all). Cheers

    8. Thanks for the fantastic video. Very helpful, and also, inspiring. That incredible bike set up alongside those views makes me want to get the hell out of the city. Permanently! Travel safe my friend.

    9. Great video! I'm curious what made you decide to switch to such minimalist fenders. Of course, they're much lighter, but they provide a fraction of the water protection that a full fender set would. What made you make this decision? Thank you and safe travels!

    10. Good overview, well done. Regarding bike Racks; I have discovered OldMan Mountain racks out of Bend, Oregon and thru-axels by the Robert Axle Project also I believe of Bend, Oregon.

    11. Where do you leave the food? Do you buy your food for a whole day or separate for every meal? What if you have to buy food for more than one day because there is no possibility? Groetjes Sylvia P.s. superleuk om naar jullie filmpjes te kijken! Onze hond gaat met ons mee sinds een jaar als we op fietsvakantie gaan en dan krijg je weer andere uitdagingen erbij😅

    12. Hi! This is a really great video – thanks! Can you clarify how you fitted your bar bag – as it doesn't seem to be to the bars? I would like to fit one but I use aeros which take up the natural bar space for mounting these. thanks!

    13. Thx fot video and gear ideas. Goin next year for 4 months trip. My very first longer tour. Looking att dif bikes and it's design. My budget on a bike is max 1300-1500 euro about. Any good brands to drop ? Safe ride.

    14. Love the man bag Milan reference 🙈

      I’m about to have a go at making my ideal bar bag myself from scratch. The mounting solution you present is superb compared to the other options I’ve considered

      My long time used bag is worn out and the new one will be based on that for size ( similar to your yellow one )

    15. Hi Eric, I noticed you lowered the Ortlieb Ultimate handlebar bag with another mount – is it the “klickfix handlebar adapter system” that you attach to the stem? Looks interesting because I like my handlebar bag but find it a bit clumsy high on the handlebar as it’s usually attached. How do you like it lower?

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