This is a quick post about how I went cycling Durmitor National Park area (east of the Zabljak ski village). There are a lot of MTN options in and around the Durmitor National Park in Montenegro. I had a few days to kill before the start of the Highlander Adventure Durmitor trek so I opted for what I thought would be a pretty easy day of local and off-road cycling. Things didn’t turn out as I had planned.

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    Video Details:

    This 58 km cycling adventure takes place near the town of Zabljak.
    Were I rent a bike and get some suggestions.
    I guess the road turns to dirt at some point.
    Ok, we’ve reached the crossroad, so I’ve got to figure out what to do next.
    We took a left and now we’re on a grass trail.
    Out of one valley and into the next.
    And it’s really hot out here.
    I want to find somewhere where there’s some water before I sit and relax.
    Well I reached the road.
    Horse whinny
    Horse whinny
    And over there, under the tree, are the people.
    Now I’m at the main road and have to decide where to go.
    Another road change and I’ve been going up, up, up.
    Back in the meadowlands.
    I’m thirsty.
    Water break.
    I could sure use it.
    It’s definitely a well.
    Lunch break.
    I’ve got a long way to go.
    And yes, this is me walking the bike up the hill after lunch.
    I am officially thirsty and I hope that’s the pass.
    I’m Leaving the valley.
    Here at this stage I’m going east.
    And there’s the next pass.
    I would sure like some of that snow in the background.
    This is the pass.
    But what totally sucks is it’s downhill again.
    I’m seriously lost and out of water.
    I’m off the trail.
    But this farmhouse did have a bottle of water outside.
    I guess I’m not the first one that needed water here.
    How am I going to get way the f@$% over there.
    And that’s a problem.
    If it’s 5 o’clock now I’d like to make the main road by 6.
    I’m whooped, I’m getting cramps. Let’s get going.
    And that’s a bull.
    I think I’m 6-8 kms from the town.
    We are less than 4 kms from the outskirts of town.
    Made it back.

    Score: None

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