In August 2020 (mid pandemic) we set off on a 140 mile coast to coast cycle from Whitehaven in the North West of the UK to Tynemouth in the North East. Our trip saw us go through the Lake District, Peak District and miles upon miles of stunning UK landscapes.

    The link to our day 1 route can be found here – – feel free to add me on Strava if you want to look at the other 2 days of the ride.

    Journey Up (0:00)
    Leg 1, Whitehaven to Penrith (2:56)
    Leg 2, Penrith to Edmondbyers (10:10)
    Leg 3, Edmondbyers to Tynemouth (17:36)


    1. Well done lads but that's actually North Shields where you finished I just live up the road.. So you have to do it all again looool. I'm doing this next month So i would like some info of which part did you find the toughest? what was your worst part of the ride? or where. congrats looked fun.

    2. Great video. I like the mix between on board and the drone footage. The quality was really good too. Can you set the drone to follow you? Looks like you have spent time doing a bit of editing too. Out of interest what equipment do you use? Hopefully you do some more trips, especially ones Ive done or would like to do

    3. Phenomenal video and effort lads. I’m a proud Geordie and this brought back some great memories when we rode the C2C there and back over 2 days in memory of a cycling pal who died of cancer. We raised 3k for Marie Curie – ahhhh good times man, enjoy every second with your mates and well done!!! Loved the drone footage, classy touch 🚴‍♀️

    4. Henges / stone circles are ancient ~ old english, welsh, scottish, ango, saxon, pict.
      Pagan is actually a slur, it's a collective noun, no one actually refered to themselves as pagan. (Celt is similar, a slur, meaning "other".)

    5. Hi Sam, thanks for sharing your trip. Love the drone footage. Planning the same route for this summer with a few of the group I ride with for this years big challenge. (customary to set ourselves one each year)

      I`ve found the same accommodation as you guys and plotted a route but do you have yours on Strava etc as it looks like much of yours was paths and super quiet country lanes etc. Cheers Sam

    6. Hey Sam,

      Apologies if this appears cheeky but do you guys have a summary of the route you followed? would love to do something similar!


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