1. Yes there are wolfs and bears in Serbia, one of the last places you can find them in Europe.
    Serbia is Christian 85%
    What you are hearing at night are not wolfs, coz they are rare, insted you hear jackals.

  2. Nate really going above and beyond, this isnt making him hate the challenege so he's really doing shit like carrying a bike his own body weight🥹

    Fr tho if Nate could muster up this much dedication to his $100 challenges…this would be insane

  3. Serbia is predominantly orthodox Christian. In south Serbia and North Montenegro people is predominantly Muslim. Only countrys in Balkans that are Muslim are Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Kosovo.

  4. Your videos start to frustrate me when I see you going through a country with such a great food and you stick to the same shit all the time.

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  6. you should watch hostel on your computer, I promise its a really fun movie about some buddies hanging out in the situation you are in.

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