1. I'm wondering if the car didn't even notice hitting the cyclist? They should have stopped cuz it might have been just deemed 50 50. The cyclist it at fault I would say. Where I live you aren't supposed to pass a car on the side towards the curb like that because of the danger of people turning. But the car is also supposed to turn from closer to the curb as well so both are at fault.

    2. Re: The hit & run on the cyclist: This has brought about healthy debate and some differences of opinion. I have to say that that it seems to be the case with alot of dashcam clips that many people watch the same clip but see different things.

      Many have asked why did the cyclist ride up the inside of a car already indicating to turn left? Quite simply he did not see the car's indicators. The cammer spoke to the cyclist who stated this.

      If you watch the clip you can see the car only indicates as the cyclist's head is more or less level with the rear indicators. Unfortunately for the cyclist he continued to look straight ahead as he rode more or less level with the car.

      Now if the car had done a couple of things this incident could have been avoided. Firstly, he should have been indicating well before he moved off. As stated in the vid this is probably the busiest cycle lane in the city. The car driver should have been aware there was every chance of cyclists using the lane approaching the junction. Secondly, if they had used their rear and left wing mirrors they would have seen the cyclist and taken appropriate action.

      Under the updated the updated Highway Code, my understanding is that the car should have given way to the approaching cyclist if they saw him. Crucially, in my opinion at least, I feel the driver simple wasn't aware of the cyclist. Poor driving and observations of the driver's part.

      Not blaming the cyclist here but could he have done anything to have not been left hooked? I guess if he drove a bit more defensively and dropped back in anticipation of the car turning left, which would have allowed him to avoid the collision. There’s a saying along the lines of regarding all other road users as idiots, expect the unexpected and be prepared to do correct their mistakes.

    3. Is the l last commenter the only sensible cyclist on the planet.what happened to common sense.what if cyclist started thinking about road safety and stay away from cars at junctions.just like cars stay away from buses and trucks at junctions and roundabouts.pedestrians have a shorter stopping distance than bikes and cars like wise bikes with cars and cars with trucks and trucks with trains . It is much easier for a lighter person/ vehicle to stop than it's is for the heavier .stay safe everyone.

    4. Is that the pricks with the speed cameras saving lives I spend more times watching for them cowboys than I do to my driving.4am empty road you were 4 miles over the limit

    5. Some bad drivers here, but definitely several occasions where the danger was obvious but you did little to avoid it/slow down…but then you wouldn't have as many clips right? 🙃

    6. the car only started indicating once the cyclist was almost alongside him. Im not for cyclists running up the inside of vehicles already indicating (especially trucks!!) but the guy on the bike was already there…car should have waited for him to pass.

    7. 0:18 cyclists is a dumb ass, zero brains as a cyclist I would of not be trying to undertake any vehicle passing a junction as they could be turning left

    8. It's getting to a point where cyclist think they've got all the priorities over motorist, alot of them don't obey the laws such as jumping red lights, not slowing down when cars are turning, going through pedestrians when they're crossing pedestrian crossings and most worst of all is they don't bloody use the cycle lanes which is built especially for them. I don't have no respect for them but, of course not every cyclists are like that.

    9. You complained about the motorcycle in the cycle lane yet clearly took to the solid white line cycle lane at the previous junction.

    10. 5min 30secs Yeah. Nice sentiment. Driving as nice as that would've been good if it was 1956. But it's 2022, and everyone's a tw*t now. My journeys more important than yours, etc, etc.

    11. I cycle on most of these roads in this video. You're clearly a good driver, I would say that I feel better watching your videos but tbh the shocking driving from others wipes that feeling out haha. Thanks for the videos I'll probably be in one soon nearly getting run over by a left hook

    12. The jackass cyclist should've slowed down and maybe stopped because he clearly knew the car was turning, but his ego wouldn't let him do that.

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