Hello to all viewers and subscribers of our channel, thank you for watching our videos. As you know, Zulikha is a nomadic woman who lives in a remote village and with the efforts of herself and her husband, she was able to make a kalke and after years of decision He decides to go to another village to reconcile with his brother. It is very interesting to watch this video
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#nomads #nomadkids
#realvlog #realvideo #womenvlogger
#childrenvillagh #childrenvlogs


  1. двуличные вы муж и жена друг друга стоите поэтому вас АЛЛАХ1 наказал подарив вас друг другу…это коза Зулиха приходила летом к этим детям говорила что они сироты а оказывается они её племянники…а сколько родственников у них даже не помогают ему…беднее себя никто не любит АЛЛАХ1 тому свидетель до чего низко падали его рабы…заработав денег они возгордились этим но в этом мире всё временно АЛЬХ1АМДУЛИЛЛАХ1.

  2. اكاذيبكم المضحكة من اجل المال تضحكنا ونتثير الشفقة لو تقومون بمحتوى عادي واحترمتم نصائح المشاهدين لكانت قناتكم كسبت الكثير من المشاهدين واحترامهم ولكن نرى اكاذيبكم وتمثيلكم الغبي يبعد المشاهدين ويسحبون اشتراكهم

  3. Why do I watch this channel ?? Zulikhas silly smile, bad acting, to see how she hates children, her neglect towards the children and her abuse towards Asena. Hassans silly face, all his fake aches, his neglect towards the children, how he think he is a king, his bad acting etc etc. Ahuras screaming and lack of discipline and his behaviour against the baby. All the lies when it comes to the children, pregnancy, the birth, the castle, the house etc etc. The list is soooo long, and their life as we see it are all FAKE !!! Nobody knows if the children are theirs. I personally dont`t think they are, only Ahura. All the naive viewers who believe everything, no matter what, they praise these abusive people no matter how cruel and mean they are. Makes me sick !!! So why do I watch ??? Because of ASENA ❤❤❤ The beautiful girl with the beautiful eyes and the beautiful smile. She looks so lonely among all her "family". They have decided to let her out, they don`t talk to her, comb her hair, change her clothes bath her or care for her. They don`t even bother to feed her. She looks hungry all the time. They simply ignore her. Makes me want to cry. I have reported Hassan and Zulikha so many times and I hope as many as possible will do the same. They can`t continue this abuse to a little girl. She hasn`t been told how to behave, how to react how to deal with life. She can hardly talk. She is living alone in her little, lonely world. ZULIKHA AND HASSAN. STOP THIS ABUSE RIGHT AWAY !!!!!!!!!!

  4. приходит дом отца слезу пускает какой мой отец бедный…приходит дом брата так же слезу пускает…я ещё не разу не видела что бы они этого брата приглашали к себе в гости с его детьми но сама это коза ходит везде со своими не воспитанными и вечно голодными детьми.

  5. (نتمني.علي.السيدحسن..مساعدة.(ماشالا).ليتزوج…لتكون.لهؤلاء.الاطفال..(ام)..ترعاهم.وتخدمهم..هذا.الامر.مهم.ويجب……ان.يتم.علي.وجه.السرعه.!!!حسن.يعيش.في..(……بحبوحه).من.العيش.!.ما.شاء.الله..وعليه……ان.(يزكي).عن ماله.اولاده.!!!!.

  6. 😂😂Znowu kłamstwa powinniści wszyscy występować w cyrku jako klauni i lagi też jesteś i siebie warci ohydni brudni ludzie 🤹‍♂️🤹‍♂️🤹‍♂️🤹‍♀️🤹‍♀️🤹‍♀️🖕👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿👎🏿

  7. يا حسن ان مشاله واطفاله الثلاثه هم عايشين في وضع صعب ويعنون من التوحد والعزله ليس لهم صديق وجيران. يلجاؤن. وفقدو امهم وهم صغار ليس لهم احد يساندهم. عاشو حياتهم مهجرين وان هذاارجو اما ان تبلغ شرطة الجبال عسى ان تجد امهم تكون حيه او ميته او فاقده الذاكره وان تساعدهم ايجاد بيت داخل القريه او ارض يبنو عليها منزل لهم. بجوار بيوتكم. وهم يكونو اصدقاء اطفالكم

  8. This family is so DISGUSTING! The way these children act and scream to too much! They’re going thru their things with no respect what so ever ! I’m gonna stop watching this stupid channel and PLEASE DONT SEND THESE MORONS NOTHING G MOT A PENNY ! They need a therapist. They are all demented. They think film their family is good ? It so sad that they think that their family is worth filming . This should be called how not to have kids and neglect them and watch how they grow and act into to terrible adults .. put some dam tape over ahura dam mouth

  9. Ellos viven cómo salvajes la niña siempre con su pelo despeinado y sucias y los demás también hasta la grande con chancletas sueltas y el pañuelo siempre suelto no hay educación de limpiezas y de abrigos para los niños

  10. Asena,müsste mal benehmen beibringen,sie hört überhaupt nicht klaut den kleinen Kindern die Kekse,hängt Muttern am Rockzipfel,sie ist alt genug für die Schule

  11. Зулайхани акаси киналган экан хасан ва зулайха куп курик болаларга ейишига оват хам олиб келмаган болаларини йтаклаб кеган

  12. Me encanta el tema de la introducción,en donde lo puedo encontrar completo?,después de hacer mis oraciones;veo a esta familia;a mi hija es a la que le encanta la música de la introduccion;saludos desde el otro lado del mundo,en el país mexicano en un estado que se llama Puebla😅😊😊❤❤❤❤

  13. Esta niña está falta de corrección y sus padres no se la dan miren vimos estos niños salen ala calle todo’s sucios y esta niña sin peinar peros ellos salen bien arreglados hay qué ver a el con su pelo bien arreglado y su suit qué párese qué no tiene más ninguno ya hasta solo se va el suit para la calle estás personas no le enseñan a sus hijos como deben comportarse en las casas qué van y a Arsena deben de educarla qué las cosas no se Cojen si no le dan permiso,ella fue con su Hno. ala tienda de Akbar y cuándo el esta atendiendo a su Hno ella metió las mano en los dulce y cogió dulce,y miro la cámara y echo para afuera miren hasta donde esta niña ha llegado qué sus padres no le enseñan.

  14. It's so sad to realize that actually those poor kids that had no mother and father being in jail were all alone and some poor young girl took care of them 😢.😢 Will I begin to hate zulila I mean she live in a rich house ,3 home and her nieces and nephew were alone with a small child and ,ulika did not give a shit 😮 it's shocking to be such disgusting sister . I'm not watching tir show and I remember Hassan came to see them a
    Once and he did not help them and the poor kids 😢 all alone while zulika having fun and let alone the poor guy bring in jail and what about zulika mother father why they didn't check on the poor kids . Now I'm shocked and sick to my stomach to learn that all along all theses bad cold hearted people were related to this poor motherless kids . I'm so ashamed to know this poor guy has disgusting sister like zulika . I remember when my nephew wanted to visitr I sent him plain ticket and told him he can live in my house and I put based nice clothing and told him I will divide everything equally among my daughter and my Nephew but seeing sisters like zulika and people like her makes me sick . I'm unsubscribed now

  15. Hasan and Zulikha are very lazy people, he has a suit on that he don’t can help much, Zulikha said to him I help you, than she says my legs hurt, I can’t help him.Snd she is a sister, sad.

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