So I recently purchased this bike from a friend for fairly cheep however after riding for a couple weeks I’m not enjoying its ride. The bike feels way too heavy for me and I’m not feeling the cranks. With that said would be worth upgrading the wheels to lighter ones and cranks if I already dropped $200 for the bike? Or am I Better finding off a complete elsewhere and just selling this off? If so what wheels would y’all recommend? The frame looks to be fyxtation if that helps.
by Familiar_Delay3171
1 Comment
Fyxation bikes are usually going to be frames with straight gauged steel tubing which basically means more metal and more metal is more heavy, a wheelset that will be lighter brand new will easily cost more than what you bought the build for. Id say cut your losses, sell the current bike and either buy a used bike with better frame quality or if you want to reduce weight, an aluminum frame will be much lighter in general than straight gauged steel, even cheap ones