I think that any decent quality and reasonably maintained bike is worth $75. This is perhaps not a very special bike, but it doesn’t look bad and I’m sure it still has some life left in it. Just make sure that the tires and chain/cassette are in decent shape, otherwise you’ll quickly have to add a fair amount of money and it will easily double in cost.
Rippin_Fat_Farts on
The racks alone are worth more than $75
Sacramentardo on
Def worth it. New chain and ride the wheels off of it.
kriger33 on
If it fits and is in decent condition (looks pretty good) I’d say 100%.
a517dogg on
Definitely worth it despite needing a little TLC.
Stayinthewoods on
That front basket is gonna last maybe a week. Also put a narrow wide front on instead of that stock chain wheel so you’re not dropping chains all the time.
Citrusb0ngwater on
yea thats a steal for $75 id probably pay up to $250 in my market
SinoSoul on
Quill to thread less adapter already on, agree with another commenter it just needs a narrow-wide chainring asap.
I think that any decent quality and reasonably maintained bike is worth $75. This is perhaps not a very special bike, but it doesn’t look bad and I’m sure it still has some life left in it. Just make sure that the tires and chain/cassette are in decent shape, otherwise you’ll quickly have to add a fair amount of money and it will easily double in cost.
The racks alone are worth more than $75
Def worth it. New chain and ride the wheels off of it.
If it fits and is in decent condition (looks pretty good) I’d say 100%.
Definitely worth it despite needing a little TLC.
That front basket is gonna last maybe a week. Also put a narrow wide front on instead of that stock chain wheel so you’re not dropping chains all the time.
yea thats a steal for $75 id probably pay up to $250 in my market
Quill to thread less adapter already on, agree with another commenter it just needs a narrow-wide chainring asap.