1. This was way more hype than I anticipated. The slow mo really shows how your movements affect your landing.

  2. Looks like your rear wheel is leaving the ground about a foot before it reaches the top of the lip. This means you’re not taking full advantage of the lip and getting all the pop out of it. Someone more experienced can probably explain better, but I’ve been working on the timing myself and noticing it makes jumps a lot easier to clear when you get it right.

    Smooth and flowy though, looks like a fun setup.

  3. It looks good, but I think you’re exploding too early. Your rear wheel is coming off before the end of the lip. You should be pushing your legs and feet through the entire lip. By exploding early like that you’re getting bucked. You should be feeling the lip of the jump in your feet or legs. Push through all the way off the lip.

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