1. The guys talking crap about Trump on this moment and minimizing the fact that he picked up the hat are haters and scum. You are worthless in comparison to him from a purely objective point of view. I've been with extremely rich people, although not billionaires. They, generally speaking, do not do this for strangers. What Trump did here is likely genuine character, it's like when they tell you to look at how your date treats a waiter. Americans are made believe that there's no class but it's a lie, there IS class and Trump could have easily thought of that man as beneath him, easily. And in purely hierarchical terms he would have been right but this wasn't about hierarchy. Most of you guys have no idea how the higher classes often speak of those lower than them. You are unaware of how little they think of you yet Trump who, even if you dislike terribly, has done things that statistically are a one in a million yet he treated that guy with respect. The odds of being a billionaire, dating some of the most beautiful women on the planet, having children, being in movies, tv shows, and being the President within a single lifetime are probably even less likely than 1 in a million. I say this as a Mexican who 6-7 years ago believed the whole Russia thing and all the nuttery that was said about him. He's not perfect but he is not the devil you guys have made him up to be. Your other presidents have literally accepted torture and engaged in war crimes. You are deranged.

    2. I want to see a call for Americans to look at President Donald J. Trump's mugshot as an American Bald Eagle who has his eyes focused on his prey! With Talons OUT ready to capture the American Flag out of the hands of the politicalized '3 letter' corrupt agencies. I want patriotic Americans to use that image when voting and to demand PROOF that their vote was counted CORRECTLY! In Utah, there is mail in voting, I want to demand a receipt to show my vote was counted AS I VOTED, NOT changed by the counters or machines!

    3. See, I told everybody. This PROVES that he's not a narcissistic, self-centered liar. That thinks it's okay to grab women by the possy( because he's a star) and and has many, many minions in jail because of his lies. That tried to overthrow the government and is currently trying to destroy democracy with his maga cult. Yep. This proves it. Hell of a nice guy. I knew all along and so does his minions😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    4. Looks like it was set up to make trump look good he once wanted a baby out of the room because he or she was crying so him being kind I’m not falling for it .

    5. Love that rich dude even though I am blue collar. Biden and the Republicans and Democrats have taken us back to war inflation weakness illegals and turned his back in Hawaii, East Palestine Ohio. Afghanistan and our entire monetary system. Jailing protestors and even used his DOJ to help all other state prosecutors in stopping the Americans from choosing him as a President for the second time. FJB

    6. Trump TWICE retrieves a marine's hat, and thanks him for his service.
      Obama… Forgets to salute
      Joe Biden… Forget To Salute, Forgets how steps work, Forgets where he is, Forgets if he is talking or arguing with someone.

    7. Maybe Trump should have tripped over his left foot stepped all on the hat while looking at his watch ! …oh thats Brandons shitck ! 😂😂

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