I am Giant Cheerio, a bicycle traveler, exploring the world by bike since 2021!

    When I thought of going to Italy, I couldn’t wait to get there. Pizza, Pasta & La dolce vita came to my mind and all I wanted was having a super nice time over there.
    But eventually it all came different than expected and I was having difficult times while cycling through that beautiful country.
    Rain, flat tyres and my mood went down south.
    Nevertheless, I decided to show this trip from Civitaveccia to Bari unfiltered.
    A life on the road is not always fun.

    Lean back & enjoy the show!

    Cheerio, Goodbye, Salut & Adios!

    🙌 Do you want to support my journey?

    🏕 Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/giant_cheerio
    🏕 Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/giant_cheerio

    0:00 Intro
    01:07 Rainy start
    03:32 Flat tyre
    05:34 Awesome gravel path
    08:13 Creepy strangers
    13:24 More rain
    18:38 My Italian Miracle
    22:43 Mud torture
    29:16 Outro


    1. Wow Mensch.. Das ist Schön, dass Du legitim und natürlich bist! Das ist ja wie das ist ne.. Ja shit happens here n there. We wipe it off and continue.. Alles im Video spiegelt einige Dinge wieder, die ich durchgemacht habe. Es ist schön zu sehen, dass dein persönliches Entwicklung weitergeht. Viel Spass noch 🙂

    2. 8:16. Nothing to worry about, probably you were camping in a ''gay friendly''zone, that's to say a place were some peaple gave each other secret appointment ( also straight couple and so on ). But good choice to collect stuff and get a safer place.

    3. i wonder if you still in italy, i would like to meet you there, i will be on bike trip next week next to verona, if you still there let's meet 😉

    4. Hier lernen auf jeden Fall einige deutsche Schimpfwörter 😀 aber wer bei so einem klebrigen Matsch nicht flucht, da würde eher was nicht stimmern 😉 Respekt dass du es trotzdem durchgezogen hast (Y)
      Anstelle von Siri kann ich übrigens die Deepl App empfehlen wenn man auch mal ganze Sätze verständlich in andere Sprachen übersetzt haben will.

    5. This was a total inspiration for me and on life. Well done! Above all keep safe! That muddy road, Kamoot has done that to me too many times, so much so I don’t use it anymore. To everyone be aware that Kamoot can lead you up totally the wrong route. Get plenty of rest and don’t push yourself too hard and always, always, good nutrition comes at the top of the list. This will help your mental state. Good footwear too to help with the push power of your pedals. I take my hat of to you for putting up with those flip flop shoes. They will make you tired for sure as the pedalling is so much harder with those type of shoes. I speak from experience.. Cycling is an amazing way to sort out stuff that is not quite right in life. You can do it!

    6. First time seing one of your videos and it's no surprise it showed up in my youtube feed as I live in Brindisi (right down the road from Bari) and i do bikepacking trips myself although never wild camping. I see bikepackers coming through Brindisi more and more and I'm always wondering if they need any help. I know they are in general independent types that don't need anything so i don't approach them usually. But I wonder how you chose your route and how the hell did you find that muddy road? I've biked around Bari a lot and in all seasons and never ran to into that much mud so even the most independent riders must need some help. Good luck in your journeys.

    7. Thanks for also showing us your low points of your travel. It's part of life, isn't it? Sometimes we have to go through hell to learn how to appreciate the little things. But to be honest, I could very well do without going through hell. 😉

      Anyway, thanks for the video, and I hope you have a great time. 🙂

    8. God is the energy! Hallelujah. And the only way to come to Him is through Christ. Everything else is like a McDonald’s happy meal. It may fill you up but leaves you nutritionally deficient.

    9. You are such a strong spirit! Even in all that sh!t mud and moral and energy roller-coaster you did share it with us. Thank you, it must have been soooo hard. merci.

    10. I'm just getting back to biking after many years of nothing. I got a nice bike now and I 'm trying to make more km each ride… but it's baby steps. Looking forward to see your grears and tips videos. After all those adventures what make you choose that equipment? How do you carry your camera? And take time for yourself!

    11. I would say that's no overreaction! Much better to look for official campsites, especially if you are alone and far from main roads. I do bikepacking in Italy, in the north (streets are somewhat better… somewhat) and I still prefer to go to B&Bs, even if only to travel with less weight. I believe that, if you ask on Fb pages for bike travellers, people will even allow you to set up your tent in their gardens for free.

    12. Great content Laura, I trust your still enjoying yourself on the road but take your time and enjoy the journey, its all about the journey not the arrival. The weather in Italy can be challenging at the best of times but glad you managed to battle through it and was rewarded with meeting some hospitable people who gave you a well earned rest. Safe travels …….

    13. Definitely need to go tubeless with plenty of No Stan's sealent in them tyres, you'd be so much happier… Great to show how bad bike packing can be, I've bike packed on a fat bike for 6 days, and climbing up steep roads into a headwind isn't funny… So I know how it feels to be completely demotivated, but once the sun comes out, your spirits lift for another day, traveling on your own especially a woman in remote areas can be very dangerous… Alway move if your not feeling safe in the location your in … Glad your safe and sound… But like you did find a campsite, it's best to be safe than sorry… Great vid 👍

    14. I find it crazy that a camping spot for a tent costs 20€ when most spots (without electricity or anything) for vans are only like 5€ to 10€… Only makes sense economically if you're multiple people sleeping in one tent I imagine, but then they'll probably raise the price again somehow

    15. Precooked pasta from a plastic bag … #GlamoutLife 🙂
      Also.. good for trusting your instincts. Better pay some euro's to have a safe and quiet night than lay in your tent not daring to sleep all night.

    16. There are a few creeps around, but on my journey through life I've found there are many more good people. I'm glad you found some kindly and helpful people on your trip through Italy. Shame about the bad weather. Looking forward to the Albania trip.

    17. Look at things like this.
      Your puncture.there was someone to help you.
      The wild camp by the beach.There was a campsite near by.
      You spent time with that nice family.
      Your bike got covered in crap someone with a hose helped you clean it,just got to keep moving 👌👍💪

    18. You are the best. It is so, so sad – it seems the spooky event with the guys checking out your camping location has really got through to you. After all your travels, great videos, wonderful story …. its so sad that this event should have happened. You look after yourself and thanks for the story so far,,, 🙂

    19. I've debated long and hard about mentioning this. I don't want to be just another jackass on the net dispensing unsolicited advice. It's hard to watch you suffer through some of the mistakes I've made. I'm talking about your diet. If you're eating gobs of pasta and bread you're shooting yourself in the foot. Long term will be leaky gut and auto-immune disease. Short term is massive spikes and crashes of your blood sugar. I'm pretty sure it's during the crashes that your low mood and rages come on. Euro wheat isn't as bad as the GMO garbage we have in the States but neither is any good really. Try switching to a more ancestral diet. Avoid the four horsemen of the food apocalypse.1,Wheat 2,Vegetable seed oils (yes the ones they say are so good for you) 3,Sugar 4,MSG in all it's forms. Once you stop giving your body piles of sugar and starch all the time it will re-learn how to burn fat for energy (our natural state). Your blood sugar, mood and energy levels will even out tremendously. If you'd like to tell me to shut up and go to hell now I'll understand,lol.

    20. Super gemacht. Sofort abonniert Deinen Kanal. Der Teil auf Deutsch war spitze 😂. Authentisch. Klasse. Hat Spaß gemacht, zu zuschauen.

    21. I think I am watching this video for the 3rd time… shitty things happens buuut… you made it … and that’s the only important part… You kinda inspire to do smth similar.

    22. You did not over react.
      Your gut feeling served you well.
      BEAR SPRAY would help, but as you know…. you got to be aware, great video.

    23. I think you need a maskot, you need a flying cow to talk to, just like Sean Conway.
      Listen to his books they are amazing, he did some of what you are going and his flying cow stuffed toy saved him some times, also it makes you lough so much, so its a win, win!
      Yes you made the correct decision going to that camp!
      Yes, sometimes we need to stop, rest, get ourselves together and then continue!
      Of course you can wild camp, just remember Friedrich Nietzsche, as he called himself, the first citizen of the world by not having a nacionality!
      Amazing video!

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