It’s heavy and unwieldy, and that’s a good thing.

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    1. What I think is weird about helmets is that even though it makes sense to protect your head, the Netherlands has 22.5 million bikes, nobody wears a helmet there, and they are the safest country for cyclists in the world. I think maybe the cycle paths have something to do with it. Also, I'm not sure if helmets can protect from being hit by a car, does anyone know any studies about that?

    2. A mountain bike does pretty much the same. Just don't use a speed bike…these bikes can go very fast but are much more fragile.

    3. So they are safer cuz they are slower than other bikes and people that uses them are in general inexperienced?

    4. they're safer cos they suck and used by idiots? all i'm getting from this video is that those tricycles with a big neon flag on them are the ultimate safety-cycle

    5. Great. Now where are the bike lanes for these bikes? A Bike is no good if it has to use the same lane as cars without even a stripe to seperate them from car traffic.

    6. That doesn’t mean that bike shares are safer, it’s just that people using them take less risks, especially compared to those nyc bike messengers with fixies

    7. its because riding a bike share bike is a like carrying around a big flashing sign saying "I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M DOING." People then give you a wide birth

    8. "Less likely to topple over"?!? If you have a problem with toppling over sidewalk cracks, then perhaps you should just walk. Also, I can't believe you just endorsed not wearing a helmet. Is this an SNL skit? Here's a better title for this video: Bad advice from someone who doesn't know what they're talking about.

    9. So, nothing about the bikes specifically being shared makes them safer. Got it. Go buy a big, heavy, slow, brightly painted bike, only ride it in dense urban areas, and you're covered too.

    10. I have a theory about the shared bikes being safer: people who own their own bikes and bike regularly to work/etc. are more likely to be actual cyclists, in the sense that they are experienced cyclists. I am saying this as experience as a road cyclist. Experienced cyclists ride much more confident and ride faster (but usually wear a helmet), however, I have ridden with cyclists who taken, in my opinion, unsafe navigation risks. They are confident in weaving between cars, cruising through red lights, etc. obviously a more dangerous move. That's not to say that inexperienced riders don't make unsafe moves, but I am saying you probably spend less time on a bike than people who own their own, and therefore less likely to make maverick moves.

    11. I was hit by a car at 35mph in July 2013 whilst riding my bicycle home from work (regular bike). Had a helmet on which saved my life. ER dr said without it I'd have died or suffered such significant brain trauma I'd have needed round the clock care for the rest of my life (car struck me in the head first).


    12. You don't know how to read your own statistics. Where do you used shared bikes? In the city. Where do you NOT use them? In rural area, because they don't exist there. And where is riding a bicycle most dangerous? In rural area with cars passing you at high speed.

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