I was only two minutes into my ride and got side swiped by some dude on a e-bike. I was on the main trail and he was coming down one of the sides — by the time I had time to react, he crashed into me. Said our, “you alright?”to each other etc. Came out with a couple of scratches but the bike however… I didn’t realize it was that bad until I got back up onto the bike and by then, the dude was gone.

by Ok-Selection-6640


  1. xxx420blaze420xxx on

    Damn that sucks. Unfortunate! Time for a new front wheel and handlebars (unless they’re not as bent as they look).

  2. To me, the only negative thing about e-bikes is that they allow people to ride much faster than their skill level should allow. Fast riders generally have ridden 10s of thousands of miles and have developed excellent bike handling skills as a result. But any clumsy beginner can get on an e-bike and ride 25mph down a shared trail. I’m surprised this doesn’t happen every day. Hope you are back on the road soon.

  3. felinedisrespected on

    N00bs on Lime, and other rental e-bikes & scooters are a menace around town. I constantly see helmet-less beginners ignoring Physics, traffic rules, the safety of their & the people they blunder into.

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