1. Telling a moderate wear cassette is hard with photos and mileage is not a great indicator either.
      With frequent chain replacement and maintenance I have had upwards of 40,000 km on a cassette but on a high wear/bad condition bike under 10,000km.

      Watch for bad sifting or worse, skipping under load, with a new chain. Sometimes you can see shark tooth pattern on the most used gear but some wear and don’t show it visually at all.

    2. If it is not skipping under load with a new chain and it shifts smooth enough, no point changing it.

    3. Pattern_Is_Movement on

      So it looks almost new on most of the teeth, bu tyou can clearly see badly chipped teeth where I’m guessing you spend 90% of your time, on the middle rings.

      I’d personally swap it out.

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