1. Rental bikes are like rental cars. They go anywhere, can do anything, can meet any challenge you throw at them. Because they *aren’t your own*, and you don’t have to live with scratched paint / dented rim / cracked mid frame 😉

      But I’d agree. I’ve taken my M6R some places, including around the BMX track. It’s *fine*.

    2. Narrow_Vegetable_42 on

      That’s literally an average Tuesday for my Brompton, as that is what my commute looks like. 15km, 8 of that over rough forest paths. And the part I am most worried about is actually the the stretch of road next to the train station, always full of glass after a night of partying (every night).

      No offense meant 🙂 The Bromptons are sturdy little beasts. Haven’t even had a puncture since I bought it over a year ago.

    3. Great post, they are sturdy things. I have taken trips through the countryside going off the road a bit on the Brompton too. Handles it all well, obviously not a mountain bike but it can do most of the places I travel through.

    4. well take a G-Line or any properly gravel fitted 20″ folding next time around and tell us what you’d think after 😉

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