1. MeinfetterHund on

      That cassette is looking pretty worn. I would replace it, the chain and possibly, but likely, the chain rings up front. When a cassette is worn, the teeth get pointy. I can see that you usually ride in the middle of the range, they’re quite sharp. Unworn cogs are flat topped like the highest gears in your cassette. 

      Once replaced, keeping the drive train cleaned and lubed will increase component life. Dirt will accelerate wear.

    2. SunshineInDetroit on

      i have a horrible need to do an overhaul on my bike and soak all the components in a bath of parts cleaner now.

      chain and cassette, probably chainrings need replacing

      the rest of it needs a good parts cleaning.

    3. They need to be cleaned. Then if they aren’t working well, replace. Filthy stuff is hard to evaluate. The cassette should be replaced when a new chain skips on it.

    4. Really hard to say with all of the caked on mud and junk here. I’d douse all of this stuff in WD40 or some other solvent and then clean it all up first before sharing here.

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