In this episode, I set off from North Vernon, Indiana, and enjoy five more days on the Bike Nonstop route. After crossing into Ohio, I experienced a few stressful miles on busy roads leading into Cincinnati, but found refuge in a city-center hotel for the night. The next day, I’m joined by John, who rides with me through the rest of Ohio.

    Ohio turns out to be a real gem for cycling, especially with its quiet roads and incredible rail trails. We hit another trail on day two, and I’m lucky enough to meet even more friendly locals, some joining for lunch, others hopping on their bikes to ride alongside me. The people I meet really make this leg of the journey special. From riding through towns like Hopkinsville and London, to reaching Columbus, it’s been a mix of great cycling and warm encounters.

    In Howard, we even meet a guy riding an electric unicycle, which had me feeling pretty envious—it was an amazing machine! After riding through Millersburg, where I met an Amish man and saw horse and buggys everywhere, I was reminded just how varied and unique this journey can be. As I close in on the Ohio border and end this video in New Cumberland, I can’t help but reflect on what a fantastic state Ohio has been to ride through. The peaceful trails were a welcome relief, but it’s the generosity and friendliness of the people I met along the way that made this part of the trip so memorable.

    Thank you for watching, if you enjoyed this video please consider subscribing.


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    1. Matt, I've been following you across the US. I was sorry to hear you wouldn't be joining me on the BC Epic 1000. I did roughly 600k of it (Penticton to Kimberley) this summer. It was scorching with highs up to 40C (104F). The heat made us switch from camping to motels so we could get on the road by 6 am at the latest. The big day was climbing Gray Creek Pass (5,000 feet of climbing in10 miles). The bad news was that the descent on the other side was steep and very rocky. Basically, you picked your way down standing on the brakes. We went up the climb almost as fast as we went down it. The descent was brutal.

      I'm hoping to do the GDMBR next year. I will likely split it into two sections, half for 2025 and the other half for 2026. Then maybe the Great Northern Bikepacking Route (GNBR). It is over 2,300 km (1,400 miles) and 35,000 meters (115,000 feet) of climbing. It includes some of the BC Epic 1000.

      Best to you on your current journey

    2. Can't believe how many old guys (like me) watch your videos and provide you free beer and burgers along the way. Amazing. Ohio was pretty beautiful.

    3. I've crossed Ohio 3 times and never used the Erie trail you took. I must check it out.
      What a contrast to all those solo miles out west. How do you drink beer and ride so far? I'd be asleep on a trail side bench for sure.

    4. Simply lovely! Beautiful scenery and trails, and great people. Glad you had such good weather. Your daily mileage is pretty amazing! Have so enjoyed following the journey. Happy trails!

    5. Mat another amazing video. You have built quite a following. You're such an inspiration. Question, how do you edit your videos? What do you do with all your extra footage after you post it to YouTube?

    6. I grew up in Dayton, Ohio and I can't tell you how much joy I get from seeing you enjoy riding the trails I grew up riding endlessly. They're fantastic trails and I'm so happy you had a good time riding. I'll ride with you next time!

    7. So fun to watch… The Ohio Pub Crawl and all the great people supporting you! That VooDoo Ranger beer will make you forget which bag your Sour Patch kids are in. 😂 or which bike is yours!

    8. Another great video Matt, think I'm going to have withdrawal symptoms soon when there's no video coming😢. Its great to see so many kind people on your travels.

      Off topic but what drone are you using?

    9. I’ve selfishly watched all these and never commented as I get sucked in and forget. Time to change that! Another excellent chapter of your journey. I am taking so much inspiration from your videos and Im looking forward to my own adventure the opposite way (Washington DC to Astoria) next year – thanks Mat! 😊

    10. This has become the single best series I have watched this year. I remember Mat deliberating over this route and lack of information. Multiple people including myself said The People will help not really knowing exactly what that meant. Now we know! The people of Ohio sure delivered along with every state he’s been through. Sometimes I get a tear in my eye watching the generosity.

    11. Cincinnati looks VERY cool, the design is superb. Ohio looks like a great state, from the old to the new, great to see.
      Again the American people come across as a great bunch, positive, kind, up for a challenge, LOVE IT!

      Good to see you doing well Mat, you are cracking through those miles, is the "backside" fettled?

      All best!

    12. I've lived my whole life in Ohio. I'm glad you got to experience it and even happier it went well. I just got into quad copters, which just got me back on my back after decades, and these videos showed me trails I really didn't know existed here. This motivates me to explore my own backyard, so thank you for that in addition to your wonderful content.

    13. This was the best one yet. Michelle, my wife loves it as much. She keeps saying, ‘it’s so lovely, aren’t people so nice.’ I agree. Your videos restore our faith in humanity. You made the people and scenery in Ohio very beautiful. Keep going with the great content , Mat and Ross. Still loving it. 👍🏻🚴😀

    14. Mate more inspiring content with good old British dry humour 😂. Get some bacon and egg down you, your looking skinny 🇬🇧🇬🇧

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