Everything about the color scheme says it's. 1993, but all the pictures I see in catalogs or around the Internet have all the cable routing going over the top tube. This one only has the rear brake on the top tube with the derailleur cables running the underside of the down tube.

    by _DONG_LORD_


    1. BelknapCrater on

      It’s older than 1993. I don’t know Treks well, but that bike has a 1 inch headtube. Newer Singletracks went to toptube cable routing with the switch to 1-1/8 headtubes. EDIT: 1989? The color isn’t in the catalog, but the components indicate 89.

    2. to be fair, this is far superior; the models that came immediately after this with all the cables up top have the world’s jankiest FD routing… you need a top pull deraileur with a stop and you’re running about 40cm of loopy ass housing from the top tube directly to the FD.

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