1. jollygoodvelo on

      My first question is – why did you buy it?

      Obviously it’s a cool new thing – and that’s enough – but apart from being easier to store I’m not sure why you’d buy one and not either a real gravel bike or a P/T.

    2. Narrower bars and tyres = why bother buying it when thats what you’ve already got 🤦‍♂️

    3. My questions:

      1. Tell us about the fold compared to the original? What makes it more unwieldy?
      2. What is the tire pressure on the tires on the G-line?
      3. What is the ride like on the G-line on just pavement? Is it an improvement over the original on rough pavement, bumps, potholes, etc.?
      4. When the G-line is folded, is it any more or less stable than the original? (Of course, this may have some bias as one has a rack and the other doesn’t in your case.)
      5. Same question as #4, but in trolley mode?

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