Hey everyone I'm fairly new to cycling i did a ftp test and got a 136 (weak) I know lol, I weight 137 Ibs/62kg 5'9. I've always ran track and was pretty good at the 100m dash but hated anything 400m+ so not much for endurance. It must be because im black Lol(Joking) but on my ftp test I was able to get 1600 watts at the end sprint, i was also able to hit 2k watts later on but having trouble with the endurance part of cycling any tips to improve the endurance aspect.

    by Consistent-Zebra-881


    1. _man_of_leisure on

      Some combination of increasing duration and frequency on the bike. Stay consistent for years and years.

    2. What are you using to measure power? What FTP test did you do?

      There shouldn’t be an end sprint on an FTP test because its measuring your aerobic ability. If you could sprint that hard at the end you left too much in the tank and that could be part of the reason for the low score.

    3. If you want to be able to cycle for longer, you need to cycle for longer. Take the intensity down if needed to be able to go for long enough. 

    4. Just ride longer.

      I made a challenge for myself a few years ago that every weekend I would go for a volume session of 100 km and my feet must not touch the ground while I’m at it. This worked wonders for my low-intensity endurance.

    5. New to cycling, but capable of producing 2,000 watts?

      Per the graph, you produced *exactly* 2,000 watts for 10 seconds?

      You’re only able to sustain around 130w for 20 minutes, but then capable of producing enough power to gun it past Tour de France riders at the end?

      The first thing you need to do is calibrate your power meter, because if it’s this far off we have no idea what your FTP is nor your actual power distribution. Endurance comes with time and learning your specific fueling/hydration needs, but please do not base anything off of this data set because right now your equipment is effectively a random number generator.

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