1. EverydayCrisisAHHH on

      You look damn comfortable/confident that’s for sure! I feel that’s the most important first step. I want to learn to whip as well!

    2. Looks like you’re jumping great already, watch a few video, talk to your friends and you’ll be there in no time

    3. Great confidence for 1st year. Honestly I think if you went on smaller jumps and practiced jumping from 1 side of the jump to the other it would help with your dead sailor shown in this video. Whipping is just counter rotating your handle bars with rear wheels, so experiment with that on smaller jumps.

    4. CrunchhyGrape on

      That’s mountain creek right? Lower greenhorn is perfect for what the other comments are suggesting. Hitting triple stack first year in is also very impressive. Took me a while to get my balls for those jumps

    5. PsychologicalLog4179 on

      Twist your hips whichever way you want to whip. To whip the wheel to your right, twist your right leg forward. Twist back to center. Vice versa to go left. Practice on flat by bunny hopping and trying to bring the back wheel out to the side, to me it basically feels like the same type of motion. I practiced on flat, tried to land the back wheel/bike about 45* from the center line of where I started. Start on something small cause the further away from center you are when you land, far more likely to eat shit.

    6. Your bar turns are pretty good. Basically you just need to keep your core engaged when you do the bar turn, and add a little carve off the takeoff

    7. Exit the jump at a slight angle
      Dont squeeze brakes while on the air, then do a bar turn.

    8. FreshTacoquiqua on

      Yeah keep chasing the feller in front of you and I’d say you’ll be whipping in no time. Watch out for slimy leaf landings this time of year!

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