I know this gets asked alot, but I live in the north of the UK and it's very wet and muddy.

    I am tuning my mudguard setup, but some places on the bike are impossible to keep mud off.

    I like to keep it clean, but not at the expense of my bearings and last year my HT went through 2xBB's (SRAM threaded), a headset bearings and a freehub. I think all as a result of washing perhaps with the exception of the second BB which was seized a day after a very long muddy race.

    I'm thinking of reverting to a no water routine with water used if it's really badly soiled or 1x per month.

    Even then I still think I need to clean the chain with a park tool chain tool and degreaser, and I will need to rinse the degreaser off the chain with water and light hose on the cassette to pick up any degreaser that goes on there.
    Here is the degreaser I use:
    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/193615731811?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=_3K2MB2sSBC&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=xOs3lAdQQW6&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY[LINK ]
    I use it NEAT!

    Any other mud riders here? What works best for your component life?

    by Serious_Dare_6829


    1. theblindjouster on

      Muddy Welsh rider here. I always wash down with water after every ride, perhaps soap up every other wash and degrease rarely. I never use a pressure washer. Light hose spray only. And generally dry off the bike after each wash especially chain.

      Had my HT for 5 years now with all original equipment (apart from chains). Have taken the bb and headset out once to check, clean and regrease.

      Do you use degreaser often?

    2. Also in the U.K. and my bike is filthy after every ride. I just use a garden hose after almost every ride , and sometimes add car wash shampoo. I’m trying to avoid directly spraying on bearings, but kinda hard to avoid given the amount of mud. Bearing service every summer and I apply a generous amount of grease.

      You probably ride a lot more than I do since you went through 2 BB’s in one season so may need more frequent services.

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