1. AutoModerator on

      Canyon’s endurance bike is called the **Endurace**.

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    2. Sea_Editor_418 on

      I’ve also noticed that under load, standing and pedaling hard, the crank flexes so much that the chain contacts the front derailleur

    3. Yes, some flex is normal. It’s likely the frame flexing, not the cranks (mostly).

      Check that all bolts are done, though, and there is flex, but no play, and no cracks in the frame.

      If the chain touches the FD under load, you need to trim the FD a fraction of a mm so this does not happen.

    4. Fantastic_Pop_229 on

      I just went and checked my 2023 cf8 endurace and there is no flex like that. I have about 8000 miles on mine.

    5. Does the opposite side crank arm move when you push on this side? If so, that will help narrow down the problem. Could be the arm, BB, Frame, etc

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