Hell yeah. I used to dip Lagavulin scotch corks in shellac. Kept the paper seal in place for a few months usually. The cork diameter was a little too small so I’d wrap a couple layers of twine.
bangers65 on
Absolutely yay! 👍
Reynolds531IPA on
ahumannamedtim on
Yay but it’d better fit a vintage bike imo
gwarwars on
Super cool. I would worry a little about longevity though, some of those corks basically turn to dust when they dry out
I’m jealous.
Thats a super yay from me
Hell yeah. I used to dip Lagavulin scotch corks in shellac. Kept the paper seal in place for a few months usually. The cork diameter was a little too small so I’d wrap a couple layers of twine.
Absolutely yay! 👍
Yay but it’d better fit a vintage bike imo
Super cool. I would worry a little about longevity though, some of those corks basically turn to dust when they dry out
Yay 4roses
hell yay.