1. Tbh. Anyone ever destroyed theit bearings by jet washing? I would call this an urban legend. Dont jet wash close distance to your bearings and youre good to go if you ask me

    2. Seth debunked this a long time ago. He had to put the jet incredibly close to the bearings, meaning you have to purposely damage them.

    3. They wash it like this cos pro teams can EASILY replace those bearings. Us mere mortals, we have to wait 5 business days till it gets in our mail haha.

    4. Look how he’s blasting it, vertically downward. It’s fine.
      A pressure washer pointed horizontally DIRECTLY at a sealed bearing from like 2mm away? Different story.

    5. The pro’s may well get a new bike every year, but they ride 10x further than than your average joe.
      So those bearings are effectively good for ten years of normal riding.

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