Past serene lavender fields, through quiet villages and along the endless azure coastline of the South of France. By the sea is where professional kitesurfer Rita Arnaus feels most at home. Join her as she explores Provence with the Porsche Macan Electric and Michelin, soaking up the beauty of the landscape and finding zen along the way.

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    1. Congratulations to all whom have, or are looking to transition to Electric Vehicles. I am a petrol-head. As a result, will continue to purchase gas powered vehicles.

    2. Rosy Senanayake a counselor of the former president Ranil Wickremesinghe claims that Porshe cars are not well maintained and water leaks while it rains, even found that termites damaging the Sunroof.

      Please take necessary actions because this is a huge black mark to the manufacturer.

      You seem to make luxurious cars but someone like a counselor for the president claims as such it can be a major accusation.

    3. Garbage, green energy is a scam, stop pushing this climate change garbage and making us use garbage electric cars and not eat meat because of the "environment", but your get to ride your private jets and cause wars and throw all these bombs like it doesn't damage the environment? You think we are idiots?. I have never seen so much garbage come out of the west. Your climate change garbage is a scam, the west has never been MORE thirsty for russian and middle eastern oil and gas.


    4. EV is useless crap and we all know it! It is politically correct distortion of the reality – It is sad to see brand like Porshe to slip that way!

    5. This was total cringe, most manufacturers are moving away from electric cars due to the fact that no one wants them 😂
      By the way have you seen the resale value of these things 😂

    6. Eu amo a porsche, mas considero um erro amador transformar o Macan que sempre vendeu bem em um veículo elétrico somente, não ter a opção a combustão vai custar caro. Sei que o meio ambiente é importante, mas a gente nem discutiu outras opções, como usar o carro somente quando necessário, orientando as pessoas a fazer trajetos curtos de bicicleta ou a pé mesmo, utilizando transporte público fora do horário de pico, temos que parar os desmatamentos e apostar alto em reflorestamento geral, economizar água e energia, despoluir rios em grandes cidades, saneamento, evitar desperdício de alimentos, e cuidar do lixo que produzimos, tanto os recicláveis, os orgânicos e os eletrônicos. E vai ser um conjunto de ações assim que vai ajudar o planeta, não com esses carros elétricos horrorosos e ir contra o petróleo.

      São Paulo, Brasil

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