1. Lessons learned from this incident:

      1. Don’t try to shift the front derailleur when sprinting to keep up with traffic for no reason. In general, I need to ease off pedalling when changing gears.
      2. Aim for the bike box with a more gradual increase in curb height rather than directly aiming for the curb.
      3. Keep wearing helmets, even if you think you’re experienced from bike commuting for almost a year.
      4. Don’t assume you’re OK after a crash because the adrenaline will wear off, and you’ll start to feel it shortly afterwards.

      No serious injuries. Just some bruising, scraped skin, and minor sprains. Nothing that won’t heal within a few days.

      Big thanks to the couple that pulled over and checked to see if I was OK. Also thanks to my wife for picking me up since my bike was completely unrideable after this. I’ll probably have to tow this bike with my cargo trailer to a shop and get it fixed if I can’t do it myself.

      The bicycle’s front derailleur is completely bent out of shape. I suspect that I crashed because after shifting under load, my feet flew off the pedals and I was no longer seated properly. I could feel my feet dragging on the floor. In my less than 3 seconds to react after losing full control, I decided to veer off towards the curb. In hindsight, the bike box might have been better since it’s a more gradual increase in curb height. I could probably have continued straight and bled off speed, but I really didn’t want to risk staying in the road with traffic going 50 kph+ besides me.

      The wide FOV of the video is misleading in terms of how fast I was going. It was easily 25kph+.

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