Cyclist demands change after he was struck by fallen wire by Orthodox Jewish group

    by ganymede_boy


    1. >[the cyclist] believed for days it was a booby trap or prank of some kind.

      I mean, it ended up a booby trap.

      Weird how the orthodox folks think they have found a way to trick their ‘omnipotent’ god.

    2. OliverHazzzardPerry on

      “We’re not in control over everything, unfortunately.” is a wild statement from someone whose wire nearly decapitated a person. I would sue the shit out of them.

    3. Aggressive_Ad_5454 on

      Hey hey hey, the Sabbath was made for humankind, not humankind for the Sabbath. One incident like this should be enough to make the erudite rabbis reconsider this bit of harmful tradition.

    4. While I think the concept of an eruv is silly, I don’t see what the problem is here. It was a freak accident that, by all accounts, is extremely rare. Eruvs safely exist in cities all over the world. Wires are strung up along roads for all sorts of reasons. Maybe they could add some flags to make them more visible? But then I’m sure neighbors will complain about the “unsightly” wire ruining the street’s appeal.

    5. See them around Hasidic camps here in NY. Why follow a religion if you are just going to make go arounds on the sabbath? All these idiotic religious beliefs are just that, idiotic. Catholics, oh you can’t eat meat on Friday oh wait church enrollments down OK you can eat meat on Friday.

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