A fork shouldn’t randomly snap like this right? I ate shit pretty bad and was wondering if I should get a warranty or if this is repairable? The company of the bike(state) offers a 1 year warranty for the fork which is overdue but there’s no reason this should ever have happened. Shit happens but I was hoping I’d be able to game the system into getting a new bike. Any words of advice?

    by rowing-sport-cool


    1. OptimalBarnacle857 on

      Well the fork is most definitely toast. No amount of duct tape will fix that.

      By all means reach out to the manufacturer – they may give you a discount on the crash replaement even if it’s out of warranty.

    2. I would definitevely let them know and explain exactly what was happening. This is unacceptable, even if the bike is older than the warranty. As long as you rode it under normal circumstances, this should not have hapened.

    3. This kind of symmetrical failure is usually only caused by a stick through the spokes. It’s quite rare to happen accidentally, but it does happen once in a while.

    4. Terrifying – did you hit something?

      I would reach out to state. It’s not gaming the system to expect them to cover a failure especially one as catastrophic as this unless you did actually hit something.

      Glad you weren’t hurt seriously – this could have been a way worse post.

    5. Revolution-SixFour on

      Jesus. I’ve only seen a carbon fork break like that once before and it was a crash where the rider went into a guard rail at 45 mph and ended up in the hospital for a few days (full recovery, plus a few gnarly scars). No one was questioning whether it was the manufacturers fault on that one.

      I’d contact State, and see what they say. Most likely outcome is, you might be able to swing a discount on a replacement fork.

    6. No need to game the system. Reach out to them and let them know this type of failure is unacceptable.

    7. JRA. I snapped a Jamis fork on a road bike simply by stopping hard enough for the back wheel to leave the ground. Then my butt landed on the top tube and broke the top tube. All without falling or hitting anything. Destroyed it on the 4th ride due to people that hit their brakes in a paceline for no reason. Cascaded through the group so fast, but it’s part of road riding and why I rarely ride my road bikes anymore. I’m just lucky I wasn’t injured. Did you stop suddenly once or many times before it broke? Also, get a different fork because you’re gonna break the next one the same way if you get the same fork. Jamis offered me a crash replacement and I told them why would I pay for another shitty frame from you and just break it again? I got a Lynskey Ti frame instead as a replacement. It’s a heavier bike now, but I can probably actually crash it without having to buy a new frame.

    8. I crashed an old steel bike and bent the forks. I still ride a steel bike. It’s heavy, but I love it.

    9. Mind sharing which model? I was kinda interested in the carbon all-road, but not so sure now.

    10. That should have never happened! That is extreme negligence by you or the manufacturer.
      If you were operating the bike normally then I’d contact an attorney. State has insurance. Document everything. Make make sure you have photos of injuries and damage to bike and pertaining medical reports. You might want to take the bike to an engineering certification firm and ask them also for a report.
      Good luck!

    11. How is that even a question lol. But yikes glad you weren’t seriously hurt that’s horrifying

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