On my way home, I was skidding (as one normally does) and everything was going fine until my drivetrain locked up, chain was not caught in between anything, it was where it normally is, wheel was not misaligned nor were the axle nuts improperly tightened. Cog/lockring also not loose. I loosened the nuts and then retensioned the chain only for it to slack again (axle nuts were tight). I rode it home but obviously it felt different, now followed by a noise I never heard before. I’m thinking chain line? Also worried maybe it is the crankset. PFA

    by Entire_Ad_402


    1. Take the chain off her and spin the wheel and cranks separately to try and isolate any noise or rough bearings?

    2. check the bottom bracket, it may have loosen up, tends to happen more often than everyone thinks

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