Can you do something about not including the clip of someone nollie hopping a Cdale track 😅
8u7n3r on
What kind of fork?
Mods seem to be in a coma on this sub. Plenty of single speeds and such posted recently. There was that post the other day where the user posted a picture of wear on a cog from a cassette, that one was especially egregious.
lucamarxx on
sub is terribly moderated recently
your_pet_is_average on
Not as bad as the whichbike sub which constantly posts “just picked this up for $xx, did I do good?”
dikkiesmalls on
Heck theres a whole sub for bike worth. Use that. r/whatsmybikeworth
Can you do something about not including the clip of someone nollie hopping a Cdale track 😅
What kind of fork?
Mods seem to be in a coma on this sub. Plenty of single speeds and such posted recently. There was that post the other day where the user posted a picture of wear on a cog from a cassette, that one was especially egregious.
sub is terribly moderated recently
Not as bad as the whichbike sub which constantly posts “just picked this up for $xx, did I do good?”
Heck theres a whole sub for bike worth. Use that. r/whatsmybikeworth
100 dollars
Tree fiddy always
Take my upvote.