1. WhyDidntITextBack on

      I think it does if the bike lanes are actually usable (not dangerous or fucked up)

      Otherwise I’m pedaling with the cars

    2. 100% agree.

      Bike lanes and infrastructure are for making cycling safer, end of.

      Reducing congestion comes from preventing cars from being the default option, not through tolls, fares or fines (unless means tested) but actually making people not want to drive a car.

      Then the roads are free for the people who really need them like tradespeople, community care workers, volunteers, emergency vehicles and disabled drivers or passengers.

    3. it’s like google maps… generally seldom in my top needs is “FASTEST” or “SHORTEST”… as long as the time/distance difference isn’t excessive… Is it safer? Is it easier? Is it less aggravations/more convenient (like fewer unprotected left’s)? Is it enjoyably? Is it more ascetically pleasing/quiet? Is it routinely a “better” way? Does it pay bonuses: get me nearer to some-other destination/stop/errand, learn me a new interesting/route, introduce me to my city/country, more unique/intense exercise… and on lol and i prioritize moving over sitting to wait.

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