1. I'm watching feeling so bad even though I would be scared and can't swim part of me wants to grab it and put it back in deep waters how I don't know but I would risk my life trying cause I can see it needs more water to breath hope they saved its life and it didn't die

  2. A shark wouldve had more fluid motions,but those poor kids just saw probabky the biggest tuna in their life and immediatly thought shark,sad how much sharks have gotten bad reps

  3. Ahhh the man videoing is saying “tuna tuna”
    Thanks for the clarification from the comment below. I learned something new today 🤗

  4. Man I would been jumping on that thing with a big stick or whatever. That thing was enough to feed an entire family for an entire year, lots n lots of canned tuna, tuna steaks, sushi, smoked-tuna, and much more, yummyyy.

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