The Dutch use a variety of different traffic calming methods to make their streets safer. This video explains some of the most common ones.

    If you’d like more information, I have a full-length video about Dutch traffic calming here:



    1. Bidens making cars impractical by raising gas prices, greatl! Is that why he's making food more expensive also so we will waste less? he's ahead of the curb so Thanks biden!

    2. Driving in Netherlands isn’t required as much as US because their city planners aren’t stupid and you can walk/bike to where you want to go without getting run over

      US could have nice things like this too if they didn’t have gas and car lobbies (legal corruption)

    3. I know the speed bumps from France and some of them are quite high, where I wouldn't even go over them with 20, even when the sign says so.

    4. We already do all of this here in Vancouver, BC. Except it is on the new "improved" bike lanes (also, old bike lanes). Yep, the only serious slowing down of traffic we do is to bicycles, and usually unintentionally. I see all of these features all the time on the purpose build bike lanes. Very narrow. Chicanes. Rough surface. Tight turn radius. Often I just drive my bike where the cars are riding because otherwise there isn't enough space for me to ride to work fast when I need to. At least the speed bumps are usually OK on a bike. #EndCarEra

    5. Dutch:uses different road style to slow down driver's
      America: uses highway for every road
      India: putting potholes to slow down driver's
      Myanmar:making a very wide road to discourage people from driving
      Some countries:not making roads to stop people from driving
      Other countries: adding mud effects so the drivers take extreme caution

    6. Well i have f150 raptor, nufin from that didnt slow me down more then the limits… speed bums r more fun on higher speed 👍

    7. I also loved how the road rises to the ped crossings so it forces them to slow down where people are walking. I wish that would happen more often in the states

    8. In Cleveland we’ve armed all cyclist with Glock 17’s to calm truckhole ragers down. Half the time you don’t need to even shoot when they try to run you over/off the road. JK mods…

    9. Trees around country roads are the worst.
      I constantly hear in the local news that some teen/20 something wrapped himself and his passengers around some tree. There are crosses everywhere next to the roads here in Germany. Dense shrubbs would be way safer in my opinion.

    10. I believe all of this works but I also know that in the US South you can be on a narrow road with sharp turns and that just means the person behind you is guaranteed to honk when you slow down so you don't drive into the ditches on either side of the road.

    11. Too many speed bumps can have the opposite effect. I once visited a townhouse complex that had about a dozen of those short narrow ones you have to crawl over on the main entry lane. Normally I keep a nice slow roll in quiet residential areas. These stupid speed bumps slowed me down so much I found myself accelerating in the spaces between them.

    12. The brick road idea is kind of unfortunate. Noise level something I want lowered with less cars, not increased with noisy streets.

    13. Recently I saw lane narrowing at work in the US. A cop was driving a full-size SUV down a narrow rail trail for some reason. He was driving very slowly (under 5mph) so he did not run off of the trail.

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