1. therelianceschool on

      It looks like the new [State 4130](https://www.statebicycle.com/collections/frames/products/4130-steel-fixed-gear-single-speed-frame-set-matte-black-mirror) is a clone of the [Squid SO-EZ](https://www.squidbikes.com/products/so-ez-v3-ed-coated), but there’s a pretty big difference in price between the two ($270 vs. $690 for framesets, respectively).

      To my eyes they look pretty much identical, so I’m wondering if there’s any benefit to getting the SO-EZ over the 4130. Are they made in different factories? Better welds/QC? Better tubing?

    2. I would get the State for the price difference since they are both double butted cro-moly. More money for better components.

    3. The so-ez has 135mm rear spacing.(there’s a compatibility chart for bb and cranks combos which is very confusing)
      The state, as blatantly copied as it is, has regular 120mm track spacing so you can easily transfer parts from other bikes
      Also, both frames are made in Taiwan

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