I’m lucky that I grew up in a location where I had a chance to enjoy mountain biking and to find rare freeride lines while living in Latvia. I just have to see them from the other perspective.
    My hometown trails and corners I know as good as my fingers, this time I took the line’s riders usually dream of riding.
    I got so stoked when I and my friend decided to create this video. It was at t first meant to be an Instagram reel https: //www.instagram.com/ansisblumbergs/ , but then the project expanded a little. As a video creator myself one year of grinding youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/AnsisBlumbergs , I pushed myself out of my comfort zone to make this happen.
    I immediately drew pictures in my head about the spots I would dream of riding and always had it only in my mind, but there I was standing at the top of the line breathing deeply to make myself calm. Enjoy!

    Rider: Ansis Blumbergs https://www.instagram.com/ansisblumbergs/
    Camera: Otomārs Berzinš
    Edgars Strads
    Edit: Ansis Blumbegrs


    1. Uhh šitais gan kaifīgs, Replay poga nomocīta 🙂 Laikam atpazinu visas vietas, izņemot pēdējo. Nez, pa Laurenču muguriņu kāds jau bija iepriekš braucis? Respekts!

    2. Super stilīgi! Beidzot 3. personā! Kur atrodas tās rampiņas un virāžas? Ļoti gribētu tur izbraukt, nopirku full sus un ar vietējām takām vairs nepietiek. Paldies par lielisko video!

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