My son has outgrown his 20" bike (he is tall for his age) so I cobbled together a 24" parts bin special bike for him. It is a step through Columbia frame that once belonged to one of his big sisters, who outgrew it.

I locked the front derailleur onto the middle chainring and upgraded the rear wheel to a (good used) 7 speed freewheel, since the 6 speed freewheel was locked up and the original shifter was broken. The shifter, cables, grips, tires, and that stylin' chrome pie plate spoke protector are new, as is the rear tube. He loves his "big boy" bike "with gears!"

by X-tian-9101


  1. love this. it may not fully register for him
    today but later in life the fact that you BUILT something for him will have so much meaning.

    also the pie plate and white walls are pretty fresh.

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